Friday, July 31, 2009

Whole Hearted, Simple Commitment

Whole Hearted, Simple Commitment

By Jim Liebelt

But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your simple and pure devotion to Christ. —2 Corinthians 11:3
Some years ago, a train in the United Kingdom traveling 117 miles per hour derailed. The crash left four people dead and more than 30 people injured. An investigation showed that track defects had contributed significantly to the cause of the accident. The company responsible for maintaining the tracks was found to have not met its commitments on track repairs.
Half-hearted commitments can end in disaster. I’ve seen it happen over the years, in areas of life ranging from sports to marriage, from friendships to business. All of us, at one time or another, have probably been hurt by others who have made half-hearted commitments.
Most Christians would say they have made a commitment to following Christ. Yet, there are those among us who have made these commitments half-heartedly. Tragically, half-hearted Christians hurts themselves the most. Sometimes they fool themselves about the nature of following Christ. For them, following Christ is an exercise in frustration. It doesn’t seem to work. Sometimes they walk away from the faith. Their faith, as the apostle Paul wrote, has been “shipwrecked.” (1 Timothy 1:19.)
Half-hearted commitment to Christ is nothing new. Jesus himself encountered half-hearted followers. He said to them, “Why do you call me Lord, Lord, but do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46) Jesus challenged people to be wholehearted about their commitment, counting the cost of following him beforehand. (Luke 14:25-33)
Why is it important to walk in wholehearted, simple commitment to Jesus? Because the “things we do” as Christians can easily become the focus of our faith. It is all too easy to end up committed to a Christian program or church rather than being committed to Christ. Programs and churches can let people down. Jesus never does. It’s all too easy to commit to following the “rules” of Christianity rather than being committed to Christ. Following “rules” can become sterile and confining. Following Jesus is about relationship not rules. Following Jesus brings freedom and life.
Jesus said that following him is a matter of choice, made on a daily basis. (Luke 9:23) Sadly, most people won’t make this choice for it’s not the easiest road to take. But, it is the only choice that leads to real life. It’s the only choice that allows you to become all that God intends for you to be. Today, choose to be devoted to the person of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Church Or Kingdom

Church Or Kingdom
Musings - Today my heart is longing to see Kings equipped and released. I'm just back from a great conference. Ministers shared their latest insights from scripture, updated their church activities and missions strategies and surmised what the future might hold. It was positive and loving and the presence of God was there. One brother shared on his Kingly exploits which was good. So on the way home and now, the next day, I am groping for the reason for the tension in my spirit. I guess it's impatience with the transition we're in.
Transition - We are moving from a belief that the great commission was taking the gospel to all men, getting as many saved as possible and then having the end come... a nice quick rapture to glory. The new realization is that the good news we're sharing isn't just a salvation experience, it's way of life - an abundant life. More specifically, each of us are being invited to pursue our heart's desires as they overlap with God's purposes. We are being invited into a place of prosperity where we have the flexibility to fund our ministry dream. The result is that our culture is changed and nations are blessed and redeemed.
Problem - The problem is that when we say "church" we often think of Kingdom as synonymous. The result is that local churches often feel like perpetual motion machines that exist to promote themselves, gain membership, and build more facilities and services. We do need more pastors, church plants, facilities, and programs to equip the saints. We just need to realize that is not the goal. Everything "church" is just a means to an end. The real goal is that we should be graduating Kings that impact our culture. That is happening to a degree, but it's nearly a coincidence an opposed to an intentional strategy.
Examples - Let's use the music/entertainment mountain for example. Inside church circles, like my conference, we talk about the next move in worship... a new sound coming. It is true that worship has advanced greatly over the last few decades. And, more progress is in store for the future. However, new innovations and new sounds don't originate in church, they come from Kings functioning in their mountain. Our culture is impacted by the likes of Elvis and Michael Jackson. The church generally disowned both of these entertainment Kings and often cited them an examples of carnality. I would admit those two did not exactly champion the cause of Christ but I also wouldn't be surprised to see them heaven. They both had a huge impact on the entertainment world. And their music and talent far exceeds anything produced inside a local church.
Now scroll up to the present and let's use the rising popularity of country music as our example. Most of the entertainers are believers. Many come from a church background. They are young, innovative musicians and the lyrics of their songs very often carry a Biblical theme and many carry an anointing that ministers the Holy Spirit to those who listen. I've even heard Charlie Daniels describe the presence of God in the Grand old Opry (I haven't been there). I want to suggest that the entertainment culture is being gradually and positively changed for good by the Kings in this particular field. I also want to suggest that they usually catch more flack than support from the "church."
Equipping and Releasing - Most churches and pastors do a good job of equipping the saints. We get them saved and baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. We teach them to prophecy and serve and pray and study and minister God's word to others. It's all very good. We just do a terrible job of releasing. We expect them to stick around and perpetuate the institution when the congregation is called to one of the other six mountains. They don't have to leave the church, but their hearts do belong in another mountain.
My heart is longing for the day when we'll esteem one another as Kings and we'll encourage every brother and sister to pursue their heart's desire and find their real calling to impact the culture (in business, media, arts & entertainment, education or government). More specifically, we should help those Kings find mentors in those fields that can show them how to prosper financially and make their dream come true.
Why? - The good news isn't just heaven, it is abundant life here and now. We're not going anywhere until His Kingdom comes on earth. That means we win, our nation is redeemed, and the glory of God fills the earth.... and we need you plugged into your dream and abundantly prosperous so that your cup can run over so you can do the work of the ministry. We're here to bless the nations. It's going to take all of us! You're already "chosen" by Jesus.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 NIV
It's not about the church. That's just the Bible College. It's not about 5-fold ministries. They are just the professors. It's all about the Kingdom and the exploits of Kings... it's all about you! Go for it.
PS: I feel better already. Thanks.

We're Dancing

John and Sue

PS: I want to recommend some follow-up reading.
Who is God by Harold Eberle provides the best explanation of a more relational view of God. It's must reading that connects our perception of God with everyday life.
Releasing Kings for Ministry in the Marketplace takes that foundation into marketplace ministry and the entrepreneurial nature of Kings. Fruit in the marketplace naturally springs out of sound doctrine.
Desire to Destiny - Takes the foundation and marketplace ministry and puts them in the context of seven practical keys or stages of growth you can apply in your own life.
You're invited into the vision to release Kings; communicate the message, make the money, and do the mission.
1. The Message - Our first goal is to get the Releasing Kings message into the hands of the messengers that will carry it... do it, preach it, teach it, example it.
2. The Money - The second goal is to help Kings break out of poverty by networking them with practical opportunities to prosper. We want to introduce them to the right people, the right opportunity, and the right financial approach.
3. The Mission - Network Kings with opportunities to mix business and missions. Accomplish the great commission through the marketplace and occupy the Seven mountains of: business, media, arts & entertainment, education and government in addition to the church.
You can get your copy of Releasing Kings for Ministry in the Marketplace or Desire to Destiny at
1-800-308-5837 (or)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mission in the Marketplace

Mission in the Marketplace

By Jim Haman

Matthew 20:1-7
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
1"For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard. 2He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard.
3"About the third hour he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. 4He told them, 'You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.' 5So they went.
"He went out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour and did the same thing. 6About the eleventh hour he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, 'Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?'
7" 'Because no one has hired us,' they answered.
"He said to them, 'You also go and work in my vineyard.'
Introduction: We here at Christ Church Kirkland have taught about the priority of the family and sowing into it for generational transfer -------- we have taught about commitment to the local church and having a real covenantal relationship together, but it seems now the Lord is showing us the necessity of teaching in a comprehensive way on our vocational life in the Marketplace. The Church must truly see and deeply realize its role and calling in the Marketplace --------- this is more than showing up for work. We must be there “On Mission”.

In the New Testament we have listed for us the occupation of numerous men and women. For instance Peter, James and John are fisherman. Matthew is the tax collector. And then in the gospels Jesus uses such metaphors as seed and soil in regards to being a farmer. Then he spoke over and over again about vineyard keepers and the importance of foundations for homebuilding. In the book of Acts, written by Dr. Luke, we meet others in numerous occupations like Paul and Aquila and Priscilla being tentmakers. Simon the tanner, Cornelius the army captain and military man, and the jailer in Philippi who comes to Christ with his whole family. As well we read the interesting story of the Ethiopian treasurer and government officer who comes to faith. Then of course we cannot forget our blessed Savior who was the carpenter of Nazareth. The mentions of these vocations speak to us of Father’s intense interest of us representing him well in the Marketplace.

We need to honor God in every sphere of life, and especially in this neglected sphere of our occupational life. Wayne Grudem in his new book, Business for the Glory of God, states the following: “When people ask how their lives can glorify God, they aren’t usually told ‘go into business’. When students ask how I can serve God with my life, they don’t often hear the answer ‘go into business’. When someone explains to a new acquaintance, ‘I work in such and such a place,’ he doesn’t usually hear the response, ‘what a great way to glorify God.’”

I realize that to most people the expression of “glorifying God” ----- well, it just sounds like it belongs in the Sunday morning meeting. This way, to glorify God, has been overlooked -------- it is our occupation or working in the Marketplace.
God uses our vocational calling to form Christ in us and to bring us to full stature in Christ. Our work takes truth out of the conceptual and is an instrument to bring it into incarnational reality ---------- this happens by the demands and challenges of work, and daily dealing with people. Then the workplace provides such and opportunity to represent Christ in so many, many ways. We have the privilege to influence impact and be a change agent as we are “On Mission”, living and working for his glory.
This morning I want to do more than fireproof your work or job. At this time of meltdown and economic crisis ----------- my desire is to help you become one “On Mission”.

Illustration: Johann Sebastian Bach, the noted composer, inscribed the letters SDG on the bottom of all his compositions, standing for “Sola Deo Gloria” meaning “Glory to God alone.” Wow! Isn’t that amazing? As he was using his vocational calling to bring honor to the Lord.

I need to clean up some unbiblical terminology, to provide a context for where I want to go. We have created a vocabulary and a system that hinders a greater release of the purposes of God in our church communities. The church culture unwittingly fosters a religious way of thinking and speaking. Our verbiage can rob people individually and corporately of their destiny. We need to think new and talk new. Terminology does create certain nuances.

We need to clean up terminology in our usage of the word “church”. The church is a group of people who have encountered Christ and are called by a sovereign God to walk together under government in a geographical area for the purposes of God. We are the church gathered, and we are the church scattered during the week. We are fully the Church on the job or in the home as when we are assembled in the Sunday meeting place. Indeed our Christian living, work and ministry must go beyond the walls of the Sunday gathering. The church is neither a place nor an event. It is the Body of Christ. Christ’s body does not shift into a state of suspended animation after the benediction is pronounced at the end of the Sunday morning sermon. His body, like any human body, is continually functioning. We must stop talking about “going to the church” or referring to the building as the church. This talk has far reach philosophical ramifications. Praise God! We are the “seven days a week church” in our vocational calling and at home.

We need to clean up our terminology in the usage of the word “minister.” In the scripture the word minister referred to all the brothers and sisters who took part in the local church. The word never just applies to those who function in the 5-fold ministry or eldership. A concept of a minister was used for anyone actively working and serving the Lord ------- it was used as a verb, an action word. Gradually through time the meaning and usage of the word has changed. The word “minister” is now used to refer to the name, title, or position to those few involved in church leadership. In other words “minister” or “ministry” is now used as a noun for a title, rather than a verb for action. Every church should have as many ministers as born again believers, using the Marketplace, home and gathering place as our opportunity for service.

We need to clean up our terminology in the usage of the phrase “full time”. This is another unbiblical phrase that conveys the thought that there are full-time and part-time Christians. The usage of the phrase has to do with those employed by the church, or other Christian organizations versus those who make their living from other sources. We are all to be in full-time Christian service and ministry, functioning the various spheres and jurisdictions of life. Some simple draw their living or salary from the church as workers, and other do not. We all must be “On Mission”.

In your lifetime you will spend about 40% of your waking hours in your vocational assignment. Will those hours be spent in frustration or fulfillment? This will depend largely on the biblical worldview that you have. So many believers feel unproductive and second class because their work is not in some totally Christian context. I would like to share the truth, that serving God in business or vocationally is no less spiritual than serving God in some totally Christian environment. This is the mindset or work ethic we need to have:
1. We need to see our work as sacred or spiritual unto the Lord. (Not secular)
2. We must see what we’re doing vocationally is a full time calling to bring honor and glory to God.
3. We are contributing to the Lord’s grand overall scheme ----- representing His interests on earth by our posture and ways in the Marketplace.

In the opening pages of scripture we see God pictured as a worker. Let’s look at Genesis 2:1-2. This is one of the first significant revelations of God. What does that mean to you? Then Adam was given an assignment by God to tend the Garden of Eden and name the animals. (Genesis 2:15 & 20) Adam’s assignment involved physical and mental labor, and this was all before the Fall. Work is not the product of God’s judgment on man, but the creative plan of God ------- “6 days you shall labor and do all your work”, that’s the commandment. Meaningful work is a fundamental dimension of our existence. Work is surely something we need to build character and make us people of substance. Work is not a necessary evil. Our attitude towards work needs to be positive and enthusiastic. We must stop talking in a negative fashion about vocational life --------- with such references as work being the “salt mine” or the “sweat shop” and “blue Monday”, or the off the cuff comment, “oh its Monday you know.” My My! Let’s bring into harmony our attitude with the Word of God.

This might startle you, but let me inform you, heaven is not the ultimate retirement plan, which follows Florida or Arizona or Palm Springs. We don’t just float around on fleecy white clouds and play harps. In short, heaven will be a place of responsibility and work, ruling and reigning with Christ.

Jesus, who was called the last Adam, was given an assignment as a carpenter and he worked 15 years in Nazareth at his trade. I see him as a master craftsman with excellence carrying out his work. Making tables, chairs, beds, plows and yokes – he was “On Mission”. Then before one public message or miracle, the Father said, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” What had he done? No dead were raised, no sick were healed, no demons were cast out – what had he done? He had excelled as a responsible worker, charging a fair price for his labor. Doing the will of God, providing for his mother and family, he please Father greatly in his occupational life. Jesus was the great pattern man for the Marketplace, a man always “On Mission”.

Take a look with me at the man called Daniel, whose life in ordinary work brought much glory to God. Living and working as many of us do in an ungodly environment, he was described by his Babylonian friends as a man in whom is the spirit of the holy gods. (Daniel 5:11) Though Daniel worked under earthly supervisors, he served only one master. He didn’t serve men during his work time and God during his off hours. This was recognized by King Darius, who said that Daniel constantly served his God. He was always “On Mission”. Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters.” In other words, Jesus Christ is to be the Lord and master over every sphere of living, and that includes the Marketplace.

Illustration: Several years ago I heard this story about a Lebanese man named Sameer. He was hired by a Kuwait chemical firm. His boss told him on the first day at work, “Sameer, the first thing I want you to understand is this job is to be your god. We require this of all our men.” Sameer shot a quick prayer up to the Lord and looked his new boss in the eye and said, “Sorry, but I already have a God, but I will make a bargain with you ------- if I can’t sell more than the other men serving the Living God, you fire me.” He went on to greatly prosper and became in charge of all contract negotiations in Asia for his firm. God will honor you if you put him first.

There is much we can learn from this godly man, who single mindedly served the Living God, while vocationally served in the government of Babylon.

Most of us familiar with church life are acquainted with the term “called of God”. We read in the New Testament about Paul, called to be an apostle. Then we have heard about the calling of various church leaders. Yet rarely do we hear of Christians telling of being called of God to his or her vocational life. Thus we assume those in gospel work have been called, while those in ordinary employment have not been called. So we separate God’s people into those with a calling, and those without. The result of this is a false division between secular and sacred ------ a tragic dichotomy.

The scripture tells us Daniel was highly esteemed by God. Yet the Bible does not record any dramatic call of God like what happened to Moses or Paul. Daniel and his friends didn’t go to Babylon because they saw some great spiritual need. The truth is, Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon, laid siege to Jerusalem and carried off many of its citizens, including some very sharp, brilliant young men, to be part of a “brain trust” or “think tank”. From all natural appearances, this transfer from Jerusalem to Babylon seemed to be far from the call of God. But, but! We must note some significant verses found in Jeremiah 29:4 & 7. This passage throws light on the whole matter. Nebuchadnezzar was only a tool or instrument for God to send and call Jewish people to Babylon. Daniel and others were sent to Babylon to fulfill a destiny and specific call of great value to God. Our God uses “many means” to position his people; some methods are dramatic, others very commonplace. The calling of the typical Christian who works in the field, factory or office often is there only through the outworking of circumstances rather than some spectacular experience. To the eye of flesh it may appear that one’s work in the Marketplace is explainable in terms of natural causes and effects. Yet the scriptures tell us God causes ALL circumstances to work together for good ---- he is sovereign.

God wants to open your eyes to his calling, and not have you diminish in any way or play down his placement of you in the Marketplace. Amen! This is where your destiny is to be walked out for the glory of God. Have you settled the issue once and for all of the call of God? Get excited about your placement! With intentionality, this is the area to incarnate truth, to make a difference, to be productive, to be creative, to do excellent work, to reform and change the culture by the grace and power of God.

Daniel had his assignment in Babylon, do you see your assignment in Greater Seattle? It might be your work takes you into education, government and law, media and communications, arts and entertainment, or business and finance. All of these fall under the heading of a Marketplace calling. Please note with me this powerful, encouraging verse in I Thessalonians 5:24,“Faithful is He whocalls you, and He also will bring it to pass.” This verse tells us God will grace us to be successful in our placement vocationally. (Enlarge)

God is using me this morning as a delivery system to challenge and impact you with truth. Now you must take it and do something with it. The question is, what level do you want to play the game at? Do you really want to be “On Mission” 24/7? Do you want to be “On Mission” in your vocational life in the Marketplace, or are you content to just work for a paycheck? We can be reformers, igniters, history makers. Yes, ALL things are possible!

Conclusion: We can be changed in mindset and we can be an agent to change mindsets. Part of the branding of Christ Church Kirkland is equipping men and women to count and influence in the marketplace big time. We have already hosted Marketplace conferences, and have groups meeting about ministry in the marketplace. This is where we’re going!

We want to create an expectation for our young people to be winners in life and excel in the Marketplace. We are committed to our young singles and married couples to pray for and work with them to excel and achieve great things for God in all areas of society. We’re not going to tell our young people that anti-Christ and the forces of hell will rob you of a future. No! No! The Kingdom message is one of hope and we’re a people “On Mission”.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Strength of Seeing

The Strength of Seeing
by Chip Brogden
“And when the servant of [Elisha] was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, ‘Alas, my master! How shall we do?’ And he answered, ‘Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them’. And Elisha prayed, and said, ‘Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see’. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha” (II Kings 6:15-17).
“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world” (I John 4:4).
We look at the world and we see many things which hinder and distract. We look at the Church and we see many things which disturb us. We look at our own circumstances and become frightened, depressed, and anxious. We see the enemy coming to kill, steal, and destroy. We see angels of light presenting themselves as the servants of the Lord when they are, in fact, messengers of satan. We see many false visions, many false words, many false teachers and teachings. Alas! What can we do about it all?
From our point of view, these things seem like huge issues. It takes a considerable amount of effort to stand against these things. At times it seems we are sinking under the weight of so many burdens and things coming against us. We wonder if perhaps we will be completely swallowed up and overwhelmed by it all. When we look at the facts of the situation it does appear that we are hopelessly outnumbered and surrounded.
There is a secret to overcoming, and the secret is seeing. If we can only see, then we will overcome. Living follows seeing. We cannot live as overcomers until we see it. But once we see it, living it becomes natural. Doing follows being.
The problem is not “out there”. The issue is not the great host which has surrounded us. We would like to make that the issue, but the size of the army is irrelevant. I do not have to know what the enemy is doing in your life, because it does not matter. I only have to know what you see. When you look out from where you are, what do you see? If you see correctly, then nothing can defeat you. If you do not see correctly, the tiniest thing will quickly subdue you. The difference between victory and defeat is not in what the devil is doing or the direction this world is going, but in what we see when we look.
Most people look out and see themselves surrounded by an enemy. That is why they live their lives in desperation and fear of what may happen next. They see the devil everywhere they look. They are full of stories about what the devil is doing to them (or what he might be doing). But the overcomers look around them and see something different. They do not see as other people see. That is why they overcome.
To be an overcomer does not mean that we deny the existence of the enemy. We are not going to overcome by pretending we are not really surrounded. Denying the existence of the adversary will not make him disappear. We acknowledge and admit that there is a real enemy, a real spirit of Antichrist, that is out to destroy the Remnant and hinder the Testimony of Jesus. We also acknowledge and admit that more often than not, this spirit of Antichrist seems to get the advantage over us.
Even so, the issue is not the enemy. We may look at the enemy, study him, and build an entire movement around different ways to fight him. We can write books and hold seminars on “spiritual warfare”. But when we look out from the mountain, what do we really see? Here is the difference between those who overcome and those who are defeated: it is not in their ability to fight, but in their ability to SEE, and this seeing is not of themselves, but is of God.
Now Elisha’s servant looks out, sees a great host about to attack them, and cries out, “Alas! How shall we do?” Elisha looks out, sees a great host about to attack them, and says, “Fear not.” What a study of contrasts. Everywhere it seems people are crying, “Alas, alas, what shall we do, where shall we go, what’s to become of us”, etc. etc. Where are the ones who can say, “Fear not”?
I hope you will understand that the problem OUT THERE did not change. Both men faced the same army, both men faced the same circumstance, but one man said, “Alas!” and one man said, “Fear not.”
How is it that two people, looking at the exact same situation, can reach two completely different conclusions? The difference is in what they saw when they looked.
Some people become upset with me because they think I make it sound so “easy”. “But you don’t understand what I’m going through…” Brothers and sisters, maybe no one can understand what you are going through, and you may never understand what I am going through, but that does not matter. What matters is whether or not our eyes are opened. We should not spend time studying the problem when the Solution is right in front of us.
I can offer you nothing more than what Elisha offered, and that is, clarity of vision. “Lord, open his eyes that he may see.” Now the difference is just here: some people have had their eyes opened to see, and some people have not. It is quite easy to tell the difference. The first group is saying, “Alas!” while the second group is saying, “Fear not.” Now that is not a condemnation or a criticism, just a statement of fact. All of us are blind until someone prays, “Lord, open their eyes”. One day we will ALL see, and we look forward to that day when everything is made clear.
What must we do? How long does it take? It is not a question of spiritual growth, maturity, wisdom, or gifting. Elisha’s servant did not gradually begin to see more clearly. He did not study the situation for many months and finally hit upon the truth. No, one moment his eyes were closed, and the next moment they were opened. Either your eyes have been opened or they have not. If they are open then you can pray for the Lord to open the eyes of others. If they are closed, you can pray to have your own eyes opened.
People sometimes ask me what they have to do to obtain this great revelation of Christ. They think it is God’s way of rewarding us for a lot of hard work. Nothing could be further from the truth. To have one’s eyes opened is simply an act of grace, and God alone can do it, and will do it, if we will only ask Him. At the risk of making it sound “too easy”, I dare not make it any more difficult than that!
When the servant’s eyes were opened, he saw what Elisha saw. When Elisha said, “The ones with us are greater than the ones with them” it must have sounded like lunacy. It cannot be understood with words alone: the eyes must be opened. If words were enough then Elisha would not have prayed for the eyes to be opened. We should spend less time trying to understand “words” and more time praying for God to open our eyes. When our eyes are opened, then the words will make sense. Until then, words are like hieroglyphics - we know there is something significant there, but we cannot understand what it means.
Thirty seconds of seeing is worth thirty years of studying and listening to teachers. Five words of revelation are worth more than ten thousand words gathered from flesh-and-blood.
Someone asked me if I know “everything”. The answer is no, but I have seen enough to know what I am talking about. Testimony follows revelation, and the testimony consists of what we have seen and heard, not what we “think” we know, but what we KNOW we know.
It is the illumination of the heart that brings forth the knowing. It’s when we finally “get it” and we can say, “Oh, NOW I see it!” We do not mean, of course, that we actually had a vision, but we mean that what was previously hidden from us has now been made known to us. This is not reserved for apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. The Holy Spirit leads every disciple into “all truth” (John 16:13,14).
Elisha did not argue with his servant, or try to convince him at all. He just prayed for God to open his eyes. What a relief it is to know that it is not my duty to “defend the faith” or convince everyone of what I know to be true. I can just pray for their eyes to be opened, and God will reveal. It is so much better that way!
I want us to see that in this particular instance Elisha did not pray for protection. He did not pray for victory. He did not ask God to supply him with an arsenal of weapons. Why not? Because he saw that he was already surrounded by the chariots of fire and the hosts of heaven. When the victory is ours already we do not have to pray for victory. That would be like trying to enter into a room in which we are already sitting. No, if victory is mine then all I need is to have my eyes opened to it. If I have already OBTAINED it, I do not have to ATTAIN it.
How would our lives and our individual testimonies be different if we really saw into the heavenlies? Do you think it would change our words? Do you think it would change our actions? Do you think it would change our thoughts? Do you think it would have an effect on our surroundings?
Do you see yourself seated with Christ in the heavenlies (Ephesians 2:6)? Paul saw it, and prayed the Ephesians would see it. When the Lord showed me that I was raised together with Christ and was made to sit (past tense) in the heavenly places with Christ, do you think it changed the way I saw the world? Absolutely! No more was I looking at things from “ground level”, but from the heavenly realm. Things look decidedly different when viewed from above.
Elijah saw differently, and so he thought, spoke, and behaved differently. So often we try to adopt a certain way of thinking, speaking, and acting in hopes of becoming victorious. If this is your intention then you are already defeated. If victory lies in something you must do then you will never be able to do enough. “Acting spiritual” does not produce victory, for victory is not what I do or do not do: Victory is Christ.
We who are the Lord’s Body are told, “Greater is He that is within you, than he that is in the world.” This is practically the same thing Elisha said to his servant: “The ones that be with us are greater than the ones that be with them.”
The situation is the same. The apostle John says a great deal about Antichrist, false doctrines, and false teachers. He sees the Church is surrounded by a great host of wolves who want to gain access to the flock and tear them to pieces. But he also sees what Elisha sees, that is, the One within us is greater than the one in the world.
John declares that no matter what comes against us, the One within us is Greater. It does not matter what you feel like, what you see, what you hear, what people say, or what the devil does. It does not matter if Lazarus is dead for four days and is beginning to stink. It does not matter if the girl dies before Jesus can get there. It does not matter if the waves are about to capsize the boat. It does not matter if Paul is stoned and left for dead. Lazarus will be raised, the girl will be brought back to life, and the storm will be silenced, and Paul will preach again.
The Greater is always Greater, and the Lesser is always Lesser. We only have a problem when see everything else as “greater” and see Christ as “lesser”. Remember, the difference between “Alas!” and “Fear not!” is in having our eyes opened. When you look, what do you see? May the Lord open our eyes to see Him as He is!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Breaking Through - Trends start when one person does something and others see the opportunity and walk through the same door. The Kingdom is grown when one person cracks a new area in warfare. The rest of us follow their lead at a much more affordable price in terms of personal sacrifice.
It's not enough to understand that it is theoretically or theologically possible for you to do something. We have to see someone actually do it before it really sinks in that it's possible for me.
I can remember vividly my first exposure to the presence of God in worship and hearing the prophetic. My heart longed to learn to operate in that same anointing. Fortunately I was in a church setting where people worked hard to impart both the theory and the practice. I learned to prophesy from people that already knew how. The same is true in teaching and evangelism. Watching another brother discern opportunities and hearing them share an explanation of the gospel taught me how to do the same thing. It's fun and it's amazingly easy when we have the opportunity to watch someone else do it. Our faith for exploits is kindled by Godly mentors. Paul was big on teaching by his example.
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. 1 Cor 11:1 KJV

Therefore I urge you to imitate me. 1 Cor 4:16 NIV

Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you. Phil 3:17-18 NIV
Releasing Kings - I was blessed to read Dominion by Peter Wagner and Church Shift by Sunday Adelaja. Recognized leaders are starting to share the same tenets that release Kings. See parts 1 and 2 of Releasing Kings.
1. The church and the Kingdom are not the same thing. Ministry begins outside the place where the saints are equipped. Our goal is to build the Kingdom and bless entire nations, not just add a wing on the church and fill a pew every Sunday.
2. The future is partly open. It's the nature of God to invite us into the process of shaping the future according to God's purposes. We're not just servants passively waiting on God for revivals anymore. We're "friends" that offer up new ideas and initiatives that bless the heart of God. It's called open theism.
3. People are good. God loves them, blesses them, and works with them... so do we. Unsaved people are not "depraved." They just aren't saved yet.
4. The "any minute" rapture theology is false. We understand the devil would like to create a one-world government filled with conspiracies, turmoil and oppression. However, the Holy Spirit has a bigger, better conspiracy to fill the earth with his glory, defeat the enemy, and bless the nations. We're here for the duration - and we win!
These present trials - Many of our forerunners or first fruits are contending for remarkable exploits in the Kingdom. There have been delays and setbacks for some and home runs for others. The warfare is real but the character and persistence in Kings is prevailing. If you're contending for your mountain, it's a season to stay close to those forerunners and learn from their example. It's a huge encouragement to stay next to people that are experiencing consistent financial breakthrough. It rubs off. The anointing is contagious. Turning money into ministry and seeing progress in mountains is a party. Poverty is being broken. We can sense the delight of the Father and the applause of those that have gone before. We are dancing!
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Heb 12:1 NIV

We're Dancing,

John and Sue

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Kisah Christopher Paul Gardner

Christopher Paul Gardner
Prof. Dr. Roy Sembel
Dekan Business School Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH)
Sandra Sembel (ssembel@yahoo. com)
Pemerhati dan praktisi pengembangan SDM

Apakah pernah terbayang di benak Anda bagaimana rasanya hidup menggelandang tanpa memiliki rumah? Pernahkah terbayang di benak Anda bagaimana rasanya 'menginap' di stasiun kereta bawah tanah? Semua ini pernah dialami oleh Christopher Paul Gardner (Chris Gardner) di awal tahun 1980an ketika ia harus terusir dari apartemen yang ditinggalinya karena menunggak pembayaran sewa. Namun ia berhasil melewati masa sulit tersebut sampai akhirnya menjadi salah satu orang terkaya di Amerika Serikat. Apa yang dilakukannya? Bagaimana dia melakukannya hingga meraih sukses? Simak yang berikut.

Mimpi dan Harapan

Walaupun Chris pada saat itu tak memiliki rumah (homeless) dan harus berebut untuk bisa bermalam di rumah singgah, ia tidak pernah kehilangan harapan (hopeless), begitu yang dikatakannya dalam wawancara dengan CNN. Inilah salah satu senjata Chris ketika harus melewati masa-masa sulit: tetap memiliki harapan untuk sukses. Harapan ini muncul karena ia memiliki mimpi untuk keluar
dari kondisi sulit. Mimpi ini sempat diremehkan oleh orang-orang terdekat di sekitarnya (misalnya isterinya)l, seperti yang digambarkan dalam film 'The Pursuit of Happyness'� mengenai kisah hidupnya yang diperankan oleh William Smith.

Christopher Gardner, yang lahir tanggal 9 February 1954 di Milwaukee, Wisconsin, tidak mau dipatahkan semangatnya oleh orang-orang terdekatnya sekalipun. Ia fokus pada mimpi dan harapannya untuk meraih sukses.


Mimpi dan harapan ini memberikan semangat dan ketekunan yang luar biasa bagi Chris untuk berjuang meraih sukses. Ketika ia harus mengikuti pelatihan bagi calon stockbroker, ia belajar dengan tekun dan serius. Ia pantang menyerah walaupun harus kehilangan apartemen dan semua fasilitas yang diperlukan untuk belajar. Sambil menjaga putranya yang masih balita, Chris menghabiskan sore dan malam hari belajar dan mempraktekan materi pelatihan yang diperolehnya. Sampai
akhirnya, ia berhasil menjadi yang peserta pelatihan yang terbaik dari 20 orang peserta. Peserta terbaik inilah yang akhirnya mendapatkan posisi sebagai pegawai tetap di perusahaan saham besar di AS.

Menciptakan Kesempatan

Selain harapan, mimpi, kerja keras dan kegigihan, Chris juga bekerja dengan cerdas yaitu bekerja dengan strategi dan perencanaan. Ia tidak tinggal diam menunggu kesempatan sukses datang. Ia mengejar kesempatan tersebut bahkan ia menciptakan kesempatan tersebut, sehingga ia mendapatkannya. Ketika ia harus bersaing mengalahkan para pelamar pekerjaan di perusahaan saham, ia tidak sekedar menyerahkan surat lamaran saja, tetapi ia langsung menemui orang yang berwenang menentukan lamaran siapa yang bisa diterima. Ia secara tatap muka
berkenalan dengan orang tersebut untuk memperkenalkan kualitas positifnya.

Kombinasi kualitas positif ini ternyata berhasil membawa Christopher Gardner menjadi pemenang dari kesulitan hidup yang dihadapinya. Ia akhirnya berhasil mendirikan sendiri perusahaan pialang saham yang terkemuka dan menjadi salah satu tokoh kaya di Amerika Serikat. Namun, ia juga tidak melupakan orang-orang yang sedang dalam kesulitan. Untuk itu, ia banyak mendedikasikan tidak hanya uang tetapi waktu dan tenaganya untuk memberikan inspirasi dan motivasi bagi orang-orang tersebut untuk tidak kehilangan harapan, dan untuk
terus berjuang meraih sukses. Bagaimana dengan Anda? Sudahkah Anda memiliki mimpi, harapan, kegigihan dan kesempatan? Selamat mencoba.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Give a Fish or Make a Fisherman

Give a Fish or Make a Fisherman
Self Sustaining Disciples - I'm fascinated by the concept of teaching new disciples of Jesus to multiply finances and convert money into ministry. I like this excerpt from a prior newsletter, Always a Fish; Never a Fisherman.
Look at what Swedish economist Fredrik Erixon pointed out on the effects of aid to Africa: Africa received over $400 billion in aid between 1970 and 2000. Yet, the evidence presented in the study shows an inverse relationship between aid and economic growth— when aid rises, growth falls. In part, this is because aid supplants private-sector investment and undermines savings: there is also an inverse relationship between savings and aid— when aid increases, saving decreases. (Business Reform Magazine, Sept/Oct 2005)
From an economic point of view, that pretty much says it all; to truly help someone you must give them the tools to help themselves.
Making Money is Fun - Allow me to share a personal story. I've been patiently taking classes and daily applying myself to the discipline of day trading currency and S&P Futures. It's a perfect combination of risk and adventure that starts every morning at 6 AM when the markets open in earlier time zones. I'm trying to wake myself up with coffee in front of my computer and get some sense of how to make a wise move per the instructions of two mentors that have schooled me for a year in each area. Thursday I made a great trade and experienced one of my first significant paydays. It was a spiritual experience. My heart leaped with joy and gratefulness that all the hard work was starting to consistently pay dividends. I was walking on air all day long... bathing in God's favor. It felt very good to be His son. It felt very different from the monotony of living from paycheck to paycheck. Making money is fun. Turning money into ministry is even more fun. Wealth is a tool to build the Kingdom.
Poverty knows no such emotion or breakthrough. Nor does poverty have any expectation or plan to achieve such a jailbreak. One of our jobs as Kings is to teach those we mentor that they too can multiply finances and experience the same spiritual high. It is true, God gives us the covenant power to produce wealth. Dreams can come true! I'm personally interested in that spiritual anointing and those practical mentors. You are too!
Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him. The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. He had so many flocks and herds and servants that the Philistines envied him. Gen 26:12-14 NIV

But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today. Deut 8:18 NIV

The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it. Prov 10:22
Meet Doug Meadows - Teaching believers to multiply finances isn't just a theological issue to preach about. It's a practical skill and anointing that Kings move in all the time. Meet Doug Meadows, a jewelry store owner from Atlanta. Doug is a lifelong businessman and entrepreneur slugging his way through a recession like the rest of us. In a couple of weeks he'll be in Kenya. In January and February Doug's business was dealing with he recession when the Lord spoke to him, "just go." Once the decision was made, business picked up and more recently a couple of friends found out about his plan and helped out with the expenses.
Here's an abbreviated version of his itinerary.
I leave the states on June 26th for Nairobi and stay there a few days meeting a few people and trying to understand “Business in Africa” first hand. We then travel to Nakuru. We will be doing a 3 day Micro Business Development conference, July 1st – 3rd. At the conference it is my prayer that we can teach them how to dream and enthrone them as Kings. I want to see them released into their position as a King in the market place. And by the 3rd day teach them enough to leave them with some homework – developing their own God-given business plan. I leave the 5th and arrive home on the 6th. I will be working with Ismael Wagongo there in Nakuru. He is a pastor of a church in the slums of Nakuru that our church has worked with previously.
The three days will be spent on three main areas.
1. Lay a Biblical and practical foundation for becoming Kings. (I gave Doug the notes we use in our Releasing Kings conferences for use on this trip.)
2. Doug will share his own personal experience with business throughout his lifetime... Taking care of customers, employees and vendors and seeing the ministry opportunities they represent. Doug will also talk about cash flow, projections, inventory; everything related to pursuing your dream to start, and successfully run, a business.
3. The third day will be devoted to writing business plans for new micro businesses in Kenya. Doug will review those plans and help fund the ones that are viable.
Challenges - Doug will be establishing a means to stay in touch with those in the conference. He'll also be looking for one of the locals to help with computer needs, doing cash flow in EXCEL, and helping with the business plans. Most Kenyans have to go to an internet cafe for computer and web access.
Doug will be establishing life-long friendships on this trip and inspiring some new Kings to take their land. He's not operating out of an organization and his trip is funded with his own money. He is simply a King that "gets it" and decided to do something about it. The sons he will mentor have the potential to change Kenya. It's a big deal. Releasing Kings to bless the nations and help bring Kenya into the favor of God.
How you and I can help? We can hold up Doug in prayer, help him network with folks already in his target area, and volunteer our specific business expertise in support of one of the micro businesses that will be started. Let's ask the Lord to give Doug favor with the local government officials. He already has an indirect connection with the president of Kenya. Those folks will welcome Doug's help if they find out about it. You can learn more about Doug at his interview.
Doug took some earrings from his store on a prior trip. He woke up in his hut one day and found a line of women outside waiting for an opportunity to see them. I suggested that one of the businesses he starts be a jewelry store.

We're Dancing,

John and Sue

Friday, July 3, 2009



Breaking Through - Trends start when one person does something and others see the opportunity and walk through the same door. The Kingdom is grown when one person cracks a new area in warfare. The rest of us follow their lead at a much more affordable price in terms of personal sacrifice.

It's not enough to understand that it is theoretically or theologically possible for you to do something. We have to see someone actually do it before it really sinks in that it's possible for me.

I can remember vividly my first exposure to the presence of God in worship and hearing the prophetic. My heart longed to learn to operate in that same anointing. Fortunately I was in a church setting where people worked hard to impart both the theory and the practice. I learned to prophesy from people that already knew how. The same is true in teaching and evangelism. Watching another brother discern opportunities and hearing them share an explanation of the gospel taught me how to do the same thing. It's fun and it's amazingly easy when we have the opportunity to watch someone else do it. Our faith for exploits is kindled by Godly mentors. Paul was big on teaching by his example.

Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. 1 Cor 11:1 KJV

Therefore I urge you to imitate me. 1 Cor 4:16 NIV

Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you. Phil 3:17-18 NIV

Releasing Kings - I was blessed to read Dominion by Peter Wagner and Church Shift by Sunday Adelaja. Recognized leaders are starting to share the same tenets that release Kings. See parts 1 and 2 of Releasing Kings.

1. The church and the Kingdom are not the same thing. Ministry begins outside the place where the saints are equipped. Our goal is to build the Kingdom and bless entire nations, not just add a wing on the church and fill a pew every Sunday.

2. The future is partly open. It's the nature of God to invite us into the process of shaping the future according to God's purposes. We're not just servants passively waiting on God for revivals anymore. We're "friends" that offer up new ideas and initiatives that bless the heart of God. It's called open theism.

3. People are good. God loves them, blesses them, and works with them... so do we. Unsaved people are not "depraved." They just aren't saved yet.

4. The "any minute" rapture theology is false. We understand the devil would like to create a one-world government filled with conspiracies, turmoil and oppression. However, the Holy Spirit has a bigger, better conspiracy to fill the earth with his glory, defeat the enemy, and bless the nations. We're here for the duration - and we win!

These present trials - Many of our forerunners or first fruits are contending for remarkable exploits in the Kingdom. There have been delays and setbacks for some and home runs for others. The warfare is real but the character and persistence in Kings is prevailing. If you're contending for your mountain, it's a season to stay close to those forerunners and learn from their example. It's a huge encouragement to stay next to people that are experiencing consistent financial breakthrough. It rubs off. The anointing is contagious. Turning money into ministry and seeing progress in mountains is a party. Poverty is being broken. We can sense the delight of the Father and the applause of those that have gone before. We are dancing!

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Heb 12:1 NIV

We're Dancing,

John and Sue