Saturday, April 4, 2009


Kings - Ministry Outside the Box
Will I ever graduate? - One of the principles of leadership is learning to make others successful to the extent that they exceed your own achievements. Greatness is defined by the accomplishments of your sons - those you lead.
Similarly, good government is self-restrained in the sense that it provides the legal environment for society to flourish; for entrepreneurs and educators and the arts and a free press to prosper. Too much control or involvement by government is oppressive. Too little can be chaotic.
"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." Thomas Jefferson
The institutional church is the same way. A great pastor isn't just defined by the seating capacity in the building, but by the sending capacity in His congregation. Churches should grow. We should continually plant more churches and deploy more pastors. However, "church" isn't really the goal; it's simply a means of equipping the saints to minister in the Kingdom outside the church and in the marketplace. Most Kings haven't grasped this simple concept yet so they are emotionally trying to stay under the covering of their pastor... and, most pastors haven't seen the genius of releasing Kings into the marketplace. They are prone to view those ministries as extensions of the church. We haven't theologically seen the distinction between the church and the Kingdom. Let me share three examples
#1 Barak - Judges 4 and 5 records the story of Deborah, a prophetess, telling Barak a military leader (King) to take 10,000 men and fight the army of Sisera and break the yoke of oppression off Israel. Israel was overmatched militarily. Listen in on the conversation between this priestly ministry and a King.
Barak said to her, "If you go with me, I will go; but if you don't go with me, I won't go." "Very well," Deborah said, "I will go with you. But because of the way you are going about this, the honor will not be yours, for the LORD will hand Sisera over to a woman." Judg 4:8-9 NIV
A prophetic ministry is confirming an opportunity for a King but Barak won't give himself permission to step out on his own. Deborah is a model of great leadership in the sense that she tried to convince him to become a mighty man and receive the credit. But, Barak declined and Deborah had to go with him. Why the hesitancy in Barak? He simply didn't understand the importance and significance of His own ministry as a King... neither do we - yet!
#2 Lunch - Our city started a marketplace luncheon that I was invited to. The leader explained he took his initiative to the local pastors and they welcomed the concept of doing something outside the church. He, in turn, requested that one of the pastors come a speak at each gathering. So now Kings can gather monthly and pay $15 to hear one more sermon a week - this one was on avoiding sin. There was also a presentation on how the pastors have organized an outreach in the community to assist the city officials and undertake local projects to improve the image of the church in the community. These are good things and speak well of the pastors in our community. They also speak volumes about the "Barak" in our local Kings. They will assist, but they won't lead so the pastors have to do it for them. I'm sure it will change over time - it's just the current state of the union between priests and Kings.
#3 A school - Our local community has a significant emphasis on science and engineering. There are many technical companies that employ thousands of degreed professionals. Several Kings in our community got a burden to start a school that emphasized math, science, and creativity in a new charter high school. It opens this fall and already has twice as many applicants as openings (several hundred I believe). Kids that attend this school will have a huge opportunity to network with community professionals in real jobs. It's very obvious the school will have a big impact on the next generation. You can feel the applause of heaven just reading about it in the newspaper.
What It could be - Right now you should be asking, "OK wise guy, how do you think it should work?" Dream with me and we'll take a run at that question?
1. The first thing I would like to do is convince Kings in the marketplace that God has called them to a totally different level of influence in the Kingdom that goes far beyond the the scope of the local church (as per our third example). Then, I would like to hear their answers and their dreams concerning our question... How should this work?... What would you like to do? What is your heart's desire?
2. The marketplace lunch was attended by a lot of older Christians that really are prosperous and influential in our community. We had elected officials, the publisher or our local paper, and many businesses represented. Those folks have the ability to mentor the next generation to become Kings in a very practical sense. Kings are not made by sermons on Sunday; they are released by other Kings operating in the same mountain in a mentoring relationship. Many of them are already mentoring their employees. I would like to add a turbocharger to the process.
3. I would like to see pastors take credit for equipping and releasing Kings into ministry and understand the limitations on the scope of their own ministry. As a pastor, I thought I was one of the spiritual gatekeepers in the city and tended to view businessmen as second class citizens in the Kingdom. The reality is that Kings operating in the marketplace have always spearheaded the major initiatives God has desired to accomplish in the Kingdom (Old Testament and New). Priests have always had a supporting role to equip and release. We've had the roles reversed!
4. Church outreach ministries like the one in our own community are programs conducted on overtime with spare change. We take offerings and work weekends to help the poor, clean up a neighborhood or build a few houses. It is a good example. It does not touch the problem or change the community in any significant way - it's strictly image dressing with no sustainability (profit); a prototype of the real thing. We need Kingly ministries that will teach people to fish instead of giving them fish. We need to mentor new believers on how to work hard, make money at a job, and then how to multiply finances and really become generous and make a difference in every mountain... local government, education, media and business. We need to help people come to grips with their dream and connect with real-world opportunities. It's not the job of pastors in churches; it's a job for Kings that will make money doing it, get city-changing results, and have fun in the process.
5. I'm waiting for a King that will find the poorest, most run down block in his city and buy the whole thing. Next he would remodel the houses and break poverty off the people and change that block into God's image so he could start on the next one. On the second round he would use some of the changed people on the first block so he could tackle 5 blocks at a time. Did I forget to mention that our King would make money and release Kings in the process? (Write and tell me someone is already doing this.)
Homework - Send me your dream or real-world examples of how Kings can answer the question, "Father, how will your Kingdom come to our city?" The answer...through Kings!
So He said to them, "When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Luke 11:2 NKJV
"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 19 "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matt 18:18-20 NIV

We're Dancing,

John and Sue