Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Banyak Teman banyak Rejeki

Anda pasti sering dengar pepatah ”Banyak anak banyak rejeki.” Nah, kalau saya sih…”Banyak teman banyak rejeki!”

Dalam bisnis internet, punya banyak teman online itu berkah. Ya, mereka adalah sumur uang saya. Ini sangat membantu perkembangan bisnis saya. Dan yang lebih mengenakkan, banyak sekali keuntungannya.

Relasi-relasi online biasanya melakukan dua hal utama. Pertama, hanya mengunjungi situs saya dan melakukan pembelian. Dengan cara ini mereka telah membantu saya mendapat penghasilan. Dan, biasanya saya akan menginvestasikan lagi penghasilan tadi.

Kedua, mereka mempublikasikan situs saya. Wah, ini dia yang paling menguntungkan. Mereka akan merekomendasikan situs saya pada orang-orang lain. Promosi gratis dari mulut ke mulut membuat situs saya populer. Produk-produk saya otomatis ikut terkenal dan laris. Amin…

Iklan dan promosi itu perlu. Syukur-syukur kalau Anda bisa beriklan terus-menerus. Tapi, biasanya Anda akan memberikan alokasi dana yang terbatas. Maklum, beriklan kan tidak gratis. Jadi, iklan ini tergantung pada pemasukan yang Anda peroleh. Dengan kata lain, situs dan produk Anda harus ada yang terus beli kan? Tapi, bagaimana mau beli ya kalau promosinya tersendat?

Bagaimana solusinya?

Anda kan tidak bisa memaksa setiap orang untuk tahu tentang bisnis situs Anda. Yup! Lagi-lagi Anda harus bersyukur punya teman-teman online. Mereka bisa melakukan hal yang tidak bisa dilakukan iklan.

Situs Anda yang sudah kadung terkenal, jadi andalan anda. Ingat, ini gara-gara kemampuan manusia yang bisa meyakinkan manusia lain. Mereka yang sudah membuktikan kualitas situs anda akan terus percaya pada anda. Dan kepercayaan ini menjadi garansi bagi calon-calon pelanggan yang baru. Tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya untuk iklan. Karena Anda pasti sudah memiliki pelanggan-pelanggan setia.
Luar biasa! ini terjadi karena brand anda sudah mendapat tempat di hati mereka.

Menarik minat orang itu penting namun tidak mudah. Tidak ada minat dari orang lain sama saja situs anda tidak akan laku. Tentunya, anda tidak ingin yang demikian terjadi bukan? Makanya, sering sekali kita dengar nasihat-nasihat marketing untuk terus menarik pelanggan. Dan, pada waktu bersamaan, anda harus memelihara brand agar terus diingat sebagai yang terbaik. Jadi nanti anda tidak perlu khawatir, keuntungan akan terus mengalir.

3 Langkah Mudah Mengembangkan Bisnis di Internet

Ada tiga cara yang biasanya saya lakukan untuk mendapatkan teman sehingga bisnis internet saya terus berkembang dan menguntungkan. Anda boleh menyontek:

1. Rebut perhatian. Ciptakan sebuah pertunjukan. Tampil beda. Demonstrasikan integritas anda. Dan, kembangkan gaya anda sendiri. Ingat, tujuan anda adalah terus mengembangkan bisnis anda dan seluruh dunia harus tahu tentang bisnis anda.
2. Jual diri anda. Mengapa pelanggan memilih situs anda? Bukan milik pesaing? Mengapa teman-teman anda memilih menjadi pelanggan blog anda? Apa yang membuat mereka bertahan? Dan yang lebih penting, masalah apa saja yang sudah anda pecahkan? Website anda sebaiknya memuat kebutuhan-kebutuhan spesifik. Jika tidak, ciptakan suatu masalah. Dan buat solusinya sendiri. Jual diri anda. Maksudnya, populerkan pada orang-orang bahwa andalah satu-satunya orang yang bisa mengatasi masalah itu. situs anda harus jadi situs yang penting dan tak tergantikan.
3. Jagalah pendukung. Pelanggan itu biasanya tidak bisa langsung percaya pada situs kita. Kepercayaan itu datang sedikit demi sedikit. Untuk membuatnya lebih cepat, bergaulah dengan baik. Oya, bagaimana caranya mendapatkan pelanggan setia? Kuncinya, jual saja ide-ide, filosofi dan konsep-konsep. Jangan melulu produk. Kedermawanan, integritas, dan konsistensi juga harus dijalankan.

Langkah-langkah di atas sangat penting. Terapkan dan yakinlah, bisnis internet anda akan terus berkembang.

Anda tahu Markus Frind? Pengusaha asal Kanada yang punya situs PlentyofFish.com. Website terbesar di dunia yang tamunya adalah para pencari jodoh. Tahun 2006 lalu, dari situs yang sepertinya sepele ini, Markus bisa mengantongi $10,000 per hari! Berapa ya penghasilannya dalam satu tahun? Kita pasti iri… $5 sampai 10 juta dolar!

Wow! Fantastis!

Mau seperti Markus? Ayo kita tingkatkan kualitas situs kita. Dan, terus jalin relasi online. Pasti kita bisa menjaring banyak ikan seperti Markus.

By Joko Susilo

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kingly Small Group Dynamics

Kingly Small Group Dynamics

Ministry to Kings - Last weekend we met with six Kings. We've met about quarterly in the past and all our meetings have been a huge blessing. I want to share the simple recipe in this newsletter so that you can experience the same thing.

The Setting - We met in a home (our house) and shared dinner Friday night and breakfast Saturday morning. The sole purpose of this meeting was to fellowship over the meals and share our dreams and pray for one another. Beyond that, structure is minimal. Several who were invited couldn't make it. Andy brought his wife Deborah who is a great addition. She is a manager in an industrial plant, who happens to be very prophetic and really adds a great perspective as a woman. It's been mostly men in the past - for better or for worse.

It's been good to have people who have read Releasing Kings and share the vision. We're all on the same page of multiplying resources for ministry. Howard and Duane have gone to the Philippines and Pakistan multiple times and have seen hundreds to thousands of Muslims saved and healed - Howard is a civil engineer and Duane is a realtor. Everyone has a job or business; none are in church ministry, although they all attend church.

The Ministry - All the guys are comfortable praying for one another and most have a pretty good prophetic sense of where to go with the prayer. There are more details about the specific approach to the ministry time at Start Your Own Group. Basically we just ask each person to share their dream and ask how we can help through prayer or some practical aspect. We try to find a good balance between sharing wisdom among peers and prophetic prayer. We ask the Father's blessing on all these great sons. We even got miraculous results on some physical healing issues. We prayed for John's hearing and he noticed improvement. John's college-age daughter dropped by at on Saturday for prayer. Howard lengthened one leg that had previously been broken... to Amanda's wide-eyed amazement!

The Theme - We found our small group challenged with a common issue that represents something very relevant to others in this marketplace move. "Our dreams are all bigger than our present finances can support right now." We can allow that to frustrate us, but I want to suggest it's normal for your dream to be bigger than your present bank account. Your dream should always be ahead of your resources. God shows us future possibilities so we know where to go and have time to prepare for it.

As Kings, we also can't fall back on offerings from others. Although others may help at times, it's our responsibility and privilege to see financial breakthroughs (it's part of our message). We are stewards and recipients of both an anointing for ministry and an anointing to multiply finances.

The Full Gospel - Several decades ago we used the term "full gospel" to indicate that we don't just preach salvation but we include the Holy Spirit in our disciple making package. We are historically at a similar juncture in this marketplace move to reach the seven mountains. It's time to train new disciples to multiply finances! It's time we learned how to do it ourselves so that the truth we seek to impart is operating in our own lives. Of course, everyone is running into a little resistance and for good reason. This is a huge spiritual battle front that has to go right through the traditions of men to reach the level of blessing Jesus has made available to us as Kings. We'll have to use terms like "wealth" and "riches" and talk about the real meaning of a cup that overflows to bless the nations.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Ps 23:5

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. 2 Cor 8:9 NIV

Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits — 3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, 4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, 5 who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. Ps 103:2-5 NIV

What if it was commonplace for all Kings to experience a level of abundance that would enable their dreams for ministry to occur now? The Kingdom would probably come on earth as it is in Heaven! People like Howard and Duane would be turning the Philippines upside down... even faster.

"'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Matt 6:10 NIV

I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10 KJV

We're Dancing,

John and Sue www.Releasing-kings.com

Monday, June 1, 2009

You're a Character

You're a Character

Ask For Whatever - The Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and gave him this invitation: "Ask for whatever you want me to give you." That question is being asked around the world right now. The Holy Spirit is urging us to ask for the desires of our hearts as a means of building the Kingdom. Jesus gave exactly the same invitation multiple times. Our ability to ask for the desires of our hearts and receive answers is the beginning of our spiritual "life and life more abundantly."

At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you." 1 Kings 3:5 NIV

See also (Jn 15:7-8, 14:13-14, 15:7-8, 15:15-16, 16:23-24)

Why not ask? - Some Christians have learned to ask but most wouldn't dare ask for their heart's desires with any expectation of an answer from God. We have all made mistakes that we assume disqualifies us from such favor. We not only have the condemnation of our past but we continue to make mistakes (if we try to do anything). In fact, the more Kings are committed to building the Kingdom and pursuing their heart's desire and the purposes of God, the more mistakes we make.

Back to Solomon for a moment. Take a look at the verse preceding his dream:

The people, however, were still sacrificing at the high places, because a temple had not yet been built for the Name of the LORD. 3 Solomon showed his love for the LORD by walking according to the statutes of his father David, except that he offered sacrifices and burned incense on the high places. 1 Kings 3:2-3 NIV

Solomon loved God and demonstrated his love my walking in His Ways... "except." That's a big word that indicates God was overlooking a few things in Solomon's character. Let's go a step farther. I want to suggest that most of God's hero's were "characters." Abraham, the father of the faith, tried to pass off his wife as a sister. David, a man after God's own heart, committed adultery and covered it up with murder. Peter denied the Lord 3 times before he fulfilled his destiny.

Here is the reality of our lives. We often behave more like a flock of chickens than a pride of lions. I simply want to suggest that God already knows what we're made of and He sees our goof-ups. Yet, His mercies are new every day.

The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. Lam 3:22-23 NASU

Our Job - What's God priority? Well, since most of His kids are imperfect characters it appears He is happiest when we simply love Him and are comfortable asking for our heart's desires. God loves people that won't let condemnation dampen their love or their ability to believe. We just accept His forgiveness and realize His mercies are new every morning for a reason.

Focus - Let me share an example from my own life. When I first started sharing in a church setting, I was very self-conscious, said some dumb things that I wished I could take back, and was generally intimidated by the whole process. That's when the Lord showed me it wasn't really about "me." He so loves his people He uses any willing vessel to bless them. So I simply shifted my focus from self to the people God was ministering to. That was the end of nearly all my mistakes. Even if I did make one, I just fixed it and went right on because now I knew that ministry wasn't about me; it was about a communion between the Holy Spirit and the people He desires to touch.

In the very same way, we all have to get over our fear of failures and take our best swing. Will there be some mistakes? Of course! So what? Your alternative is to sit back and watch someone else run with your destiny. Someone will say, "Yes Lord," and move a mountain. Why not you and I?

Get over yourself - You have a checkered past and a questionable future. Get over it. Love God and start the adventure by asking for your heart's desires. God has a low tolerance for introverted, self-righteous Pharisees. Yet God seems to love Peter's, David's, Jacob's... and you - if you step into your destiny and answer His question:

Ask what you wish me to give you. 1 Kings 3:5 NASU

Kings realize this simple premise. We have to ask big to match the majesty of God's love and the magnitude of His purposes. It's not about us, but God has invited you and me to to be his friend and share in a great adventure to bless the nations and love people. Dream big, ask freely, work smart, and expect your cup to run over for the sake of others.

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen Eph 3:20-21 NASU

We're Dancing,

John and Sue www.Releasing-kings.com