19, 2013 - Americans love to talk about leadership—just look at the
national dialogue sparked by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In or
the ongoing dialogue within churches about leading and disciple-making.
“Leadership” a keyword attached to global summits, best-sellers and
viral blog posts—so much so that its cultural prominence has ingrained
leadership in the minds of many Christians—for better or for worse—as
the ultimate mark of a mature faith.
According to a recent
survey of Christian adults
conducted by the Barna Group, more than half of Christians in this
country identify themselves as leaders (58%). And yet, more than eight
in 10 (82%) of the same survey participants indicated that they believe
the United States is facing a leadership crisis because there aren’t
enough leaders. What’s more, the leadership qualities participants
identified in themselves do not line up with the leadership qualities
they expect in others.
So where is the disconnect happening? Where is this crisis coming
from if so many Christians already see themselves as leaders? What is
the missing link?
Joseph Cavanaugh, president of Ephesians 4 Leadership and author of
The Language of Blessing,
traces it back to a lack of self-awareness. Our team talked with him
about this cultural problem, how it contributes to a warped sense of
calling, and why the first step to leading others well is to gain a
realistic understanding of ourselves.
Barna Group: American Christians love the idea of personal calling. They are also influenced by the idea of the American dream. And yet, as our recent study shows,
the majority of American Christians (66%) feel there is a critical gap
between their calling and their daily occupation. How can we discern
between a Western, individualistic sense of calling and a biblical
understanding of calling?
Joseph Cavanaugh: Western individualism is primarily
focused on fulfilling wants and desires. Biblical individualism is
about what we have been given for the benefit of others. It is about
fulfilling our unique function, contribution and calling.
King David beautifully articulates in many of his psalms how intimate
God’s love is for each of us as individuals. Centuries later, in his
letters to the Corinthians and to the Romans, Paul emphasizes the great
diversity of gifts and functions that exist in the body of Christ. He
also points out that each individual’s contribution is indispensable and
vital for the benefit of the whole body. A final reality communicated
in the parable of the talents and again in the book of Revelation is
that each of us will stand before the Lord and give an account of what
we did with what we were so generously given—an individual experience.
Healthy self-esteem is simply proper care for ourselves—physically,
emotionally, mentally and spiritually. A self-esteem that comes from
knowing we are loved by God and created with purpose allows us to get on
with loving and serving others.
Barna Group: What are the sociological effects of misunderstanding self-esteem?
Cavanaugh: Studies indicate that the outcome of high
self-esteem is not what one might hope. High self-esteem does not
increase grades in school, nor does it prevent drug use or premarital
sexual activity. In fact, many career criminals have very high
There has also been some very interesting research on the concept of
fragile self-esteem. This is often the byproduct of permissive parenting
and the educational system’s attempt at raising children’s self-esteem
by eliminating grade and performance awards. The children come to
believe they can accomplish whatever they desire. Of course, when they
enter the real world, they experience a very rude awakening. But rather
than realize they are unrealistic about their own capabilities, they
blame the boss, co-workers, anyone but themselves.
Barna Group: So, high self-esteem can backfire?
Cavanaugh: The high self-esteem movement has been,
in general, an abysmal failure. I also think parents’ attempts to raise
self-reliant children have failed. This is another form of Western
individualism that is just as dysfunctional, but one promoted in many
Christian circles. The reality is that we were not created to be
self-reliant. Self-responsible, yes. Self-reliant, no. We were all
created to be interdependent. We are designed by God to serve one
another with all that we have been uniquely gifted through grace.
Barna Group: How would you describe the relationship between self-awareness and success—both in terms of one’s career and faith?
Cavanaugh: Research consistently shows
self-awareness as a foundational quality of career success. Leaders who
lack self-awareness, on the other hand, are a disaster for those they
In regard to faith, I believe that self-awareness is equally
important. People who are spiritually self-aware have a non-anxious
presence—they are completely at peace with who God has created and
called them to be. They are deeply grateful to God for his gifts and
calling in their lives, all the while fully realizing that these are
gifts—neither earned nor deserved, but given freely for the benefit of
Barna Group: Our research shows that only about one third of Christians (34%) feel called to their current occupation.
And among younger Christians, this number is even greater—about 44%
feel a disconnect between their perceived calling on their lives and
their current employment. How can people living in this tension repair
this divide?
Cavanaugh: An overly simple response is that these
younger Christians have never been equipped to live out who God has
created and called then to be. They often lack this integral
self-awareness. Fortunately, this can be learned.
The majority of young Christians I work with have no idea who they
really are, let alone their gifts or life calling. It is an exhilarating
journey as they discover they have been created in Jesus as a unique
expression of God’s workmanship, and that the Father has prepared good
works and a calling for them to walk in.
Barna Group: Can you explain your concept of the “Cycle of False Identity”? How can a person break this cycle?
Cavanaugh: The cycle of false identity begins with
being in a family where the parents are not very self-aware, and there
are unfounded expectations placed on the children. When the children
fail to meet those unfounded expectations the parents begin to judge
them in their failure. The more we try to meet these unfounded
expectations, the more we begin to lose our authentic sense of self. We
can begin to feel like we are somehow defective—we are not good enough,
smart enough, hardworking enough. Our whole sense of identity becomes
The process of breaking the cycle of false identity is an equipping
process. The Greek word for equipping means to restore, to complete, to
perfect. Restoring a person back to God’s original design is a critical
part of breaking the cycle. We want to create a cycle of authentic
identity. This begins with creating self-awareness by helping each
person rediscover their gifts and talents. And as they receive those
gifts and talents with a grateful heart, it produces true humility,
which produces authenticity—and from the authenticity, love and service
arise and their light begins to shine.
Learn more about the new Barna Book from Joseph Cavanaugh
The Language of Blessing.
About Barna Group
Barna Group (which includes its research division, the Barna Research
Group) is a private, non-partisan, for-profit organization under the
umbrella of the Issachar Companies. It conducts primary research,
produces media resources pertaining to spiritual development, and
facilitates the healthy spiritual growth of leaders, children, families
and Christian ministries. Located in Ventura, California, Barna Group
has been conducting and analyzing primary research to understand
cultural trends related to values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors
since 1984. If you would like to receive free e-mail notification of the
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© Barna Group, 2013.