Thursday, July 9, 2009

Give a Fish or Make a Fisherman

Give a Fish or Make a Fisherman
Self Sustaining Disciples - I'm fascinated by the concept of teaching new disciples of Jesus to multiply finances and convert money into ministry. I like this excerpt from a prior newsletter, Always a Fish; Never a Fisherman.
Look at what Swedish economist Fredrik Erixon pointed out on the effects of aid to Africa: Africa received over $400 billion in aid between 1970 and 2000. Yet, the evidence presented in the study shows an inverse relationship between aid and economic growth— when aid rises, growth falls. In part, this is because aid supplants private-sector investment and undermines savings: there is also an inverse relationship between savings and aid— when aid increases, saving decreases. (Business Reform Magazine, Sept/Oct 2005)
From an economic point of view, that pretty much says it all; to truly help someone you must give them the tools to help themselves.
Making Money is Fun - Allow me to share a personal story. I've been patiently taking classes and daily applying myself to the discipline of day trading currency and S&P Futures. It's a perfect combination of risk and adventure that starts every morning at 6 AM when the markets open in earlier time zones. I'm trying to wake myself up with coffee in front of my computer and get some sense of how to make a wise move per the instructions of two mentors that have schooled me for a year in each area. Thursday I made a great trade and experienced one of my first significant paydays. It was a spiritual experience. My heart leaped with joy and gratefulness that all the hard work was starting to consistently pay dividends. I was walking on air all day long... bathing in God's favor. It felt very good to be His son. It felt very different from the monotony of living from paycheck to paycheck. Making money is fun. Turning money into ministry is even more fun. Wealth is a tool to build the Kingdom.
Poverty knows no such emotion or breakthrough. Nor does poverty have any expectation or plan to achieve such a jailbreak. One of our jobs as Kings is to teach those we mentor that they too can multiply finances and experience the same spiritual high. It is true, God gives us the covenant power to produce wealth. Dreams can come true! I'm personally interested in that spiritual anointing and those practical mentors. You are too!
Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him. The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. He had so many flocks and herds and servants that the Philistines envied him. Gen 26:12-14 NIV

But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today. Deut 8:18 NIV

The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it. Prov 10:22
Meet Doug Meadows - Teaching believers to multiply finances isn't just a theological issue to preach about. It's a practical skill and anointing that Kings move in all the time. Meet Doug Meadows, a jewelry store owner from Atlanta. Doug is a lifelong businessman and entrepreneur slugging his way through a recession like the rest of us. In a couple of weeks he'll be in Kenya. In January and February Doug's business was dealing with he recession when the Lord spoke to him, "just go." Once the decision was made, business picked up and more recently a couple of friends found out about his plan and helped out with the expenses.
Here's an abbreviated version of his itinerary.
I leave the states on June 26th for Nairobi and stay there a few days meeting a few people and trying to understand “Business in Africa” first hand. We then travel to Nakuru. We will be doing a 3 day Micro Business Development conference, July 1st – 3rd. At the conference it is my prayer that we can teach them how to dream and enthrone them as Kings. I want to see them released into their position as a King in the market place. And by the 3rd day teach them enough to leave them with some homework – developing their own God-given business plan. I leave the 5th and arrive home on the 6th. I will be working with Ismael Wagongo there in Nakuru. He is a pastor of a church in the slums of Nakuru that our church has worked with previously.
The three days will be spent on three main areas.
1. Lay a Biblical and practical foundation for becoming Kings. (I gave Doug the notes we use in our Releasing Kings conferences for use on this trip.)
2. Doug will share his own personal experience with business throughout his lifetime... Taking care of customers, employees and vendors and seeing the ministry opportunities they represent. Doug will also talk about cash flow, projections, inventory; everything related to pursuing your dream to start, and successfully run, a business.
3. The third day will be devoted to writing business plans for new micro businesses in Kenya. Doug will review those plans and help fund the ones that are viable.
Challenges - Doug will be establishing a means to stay in touch with those in the conference. He'll also be looking for one of the locals to help with computer needs, doing cash flow in EXCEL, and helping with the business plans. Most Kenyans have to go to an internet cafe for computer and web access.
Doug will be establishing life-long friendships on this trip and inspiring some new Kings to take their land. He's not operating out of an organization and his trip is funded with his own money. He is simply a King that "gets it" and decided to do something about it. The sons he will mentor have the potential to change Kenya. It's a big deal. Releasing Kings to bless the nations and help bring Kenya into the favor of God.
How you and I can help? We can hold up Doug in prayer, help him network with folks already in his target area, and volunteer our specific business expertise in support of one of the micro businesses that will be started. Let's ask the Lord to give Doug favor with the local government officials. He already has an indirect connection with the president of Kenya. Those folks will welcome Doug's help if they find out about it. You can learn more about Doug at his interview.
Doug took some earrings from his store on a prior trip. He woke up in his hut one day and found a line of women outside waiting for an opportunity to see them. I suggested that one of the businesses he starts be a jewelry store.

We're Dancing,

John and Sue

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