From Wisdom to a "Longing Fulfilled"
Just do it – I’m in a personal season where the Lord is pruning a few bad ideas out of my head. My church and pastoral heritage left me with some baggage regarding how we release Kings. My bias has been to focus on teaching people how. That shows up in our web site, books, newsletters, conferences, etc. This revelation of marketplace ministry is profound and foundational. I get calls and emails all the time from those touched by it. But there is a growing enthusiasm in my heart for the practical side because of my own experience with mentors. We’ve emphasized “revelation” and underemphasized “wisdom.” And we’ve got a false idea in our heads that wisdom and revelation are approximately the same thing. They are not! Having a bunch of facts (information), knowing a subject well (knowledge), and connecting the dots on how and why things work (understanding) is a long way from “wisdom” - doing something that bears ministry fruit and multiplies finances.
Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God… 1 Cor 1:30 NIV
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. Eph 1:17 NIV
Wisdom is what you do – We all know opinionated, educated and sermonic people who have little direction or purpose in their lives and no finances. They aren’t doing anything themselves. My “pulpit oriented” background actually helped produce some of these “pew paupers.” What is most scary is that one of those people is me! As a previous pastor learning the Kingly lifestyle, the Lord and other people (mentors) adjust my theology and perspectives often… I feel like a recovering alcoholic! My theology is just beginning to show up in my checkbook and my job / business / ministry.
We’ve all heard, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Most of us have no clue what that means. I want to suggest that in means purpose – God has scared us into doing something outside the church in the marketplace. Said positively, it means all those sermons are finally bearing some fruit in action that expresses our real purpose in life (our calling or destiny). For 98% of us, "full-time ministry" isn't on the church staff; it's in one of those other six mountains out in the marketplace.
Biblical wisdom is knowledge and understanding applied in our life via our work and business and ministry in the marketplace. How do I get wisdom?
Ask for it – Solomon asked for wisdom and understanding (1Kgs 3) and James tells us if we lack wisdom, we can ask for it and God will generously supply it (James 1:5). Unfortunately, our emphasis on revelation causes us to hear these verses and think that wisdom comes just like revelation. It doesn’t! Wisdom comes in the context of verse 2-4. Listen to this!
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4 NIV
Wisdom does come from God. It is part of our relationship with Jesus. You might even say Jesus is our wisdom. However, we receive it in the caldron of real life experiences; in perseverance and trial and work and failure and starting over and patience. That doesn’t mean all old people are wise. It does mean people that have learned how to get things done have learned some lessons through life experiences that go far beyond knowledge. When you are cornered and don’t know what to do, wisdom is a belief that an answer exists and knowledge of where to get help – who to ask. When we ask God for wisdom, the answer comes back through a person.
Humility – Wisdom is not haughty or loud. It’s a still, small voice that must be listened for. I want to suggest that the way God imparts wisdom is most often through another person… a mentor. Those folks with experience are quietly available if we look for them and if we are willing to learn from their experience and receive their adjustments. Wisdom doesn’t come in a prayer closet. It’s more likely to show up on the floor of a factory. A teacher can tell us facts, but a wise man can show us how to do something. Huge difference!
…but with humility comes wisdom. Prov 11:2 NIV
The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor. Prov 15:33
rebuke a wise man and he will love you. Prov 9:8 NIV
A man who remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed — without remedy. Prov 29:1 NIV
He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored. Prov 13:18 NIV
Let a righteous man strike me — it is a kindness; let him rebuke me — it is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it. Ps 141:5 NIV
The fruit of wisdom is Life – What does wisdom look like? Listen…
For whoever finds me (wisdom) finds life and receives favor from the Lord. Prov 8:35 NIV
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise. Prov 11:30 NIV
People who know how to get things done have “Life;” a certain vitality that springs from doing what they enjoy, and operating out of their heart’s desires. We might call it entrepreneurial, creative, and industrious. They are not servants, plugged into another man’s vision; they have their own dream. They have the favor of the Lord. Even through difficulties, they prevail and conquer. That life is contagious. They are a Tree of Life to others. Their inspiration sparks the same spirit in those they touch. They don’t just lead people to the Lord so they can sit in pews, these Kings put new disciples in touch with their purpose and destiny and spark their enthusiasm for building the Kingdom in the marketplace.
The second aspect of life and vitality and enthusiasm is health and long life. People who have learned to be productive, enjoy life, feel the satisfaction of accomplishing things and feel the voice of the Father saying, “well done.” It’s a healthy lifestyle that causes us to live longer.
Through me (wisdom) your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. Prov 9:11 NIV
Long life is in her (wisdom) right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Prov 3:16
For they (commandments of the wise) are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body. Prov 4:22 NIV
The path of life leads upward for the wise to keep him from going down to the grave. Prov 15:24 NIV
The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life. Prov 13:14 NIV
The fruit of wisdom is favor and wealth – People who are wise enough to pursue their purpose and obtain it, attract wealth. Kings create and produce things that bless people so much we gladly pay for them. Kings are rich in every way. Kings have cups that overflow in integrity, character, ministry, products, services, honor, and wealth.
Blessed is the man who finds wisdom... Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Prov 3:13-16 NIV
I love those who love me (wisdom), and those who seek me find me. With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. …bestowing wealth on those who love me (wisdom) and making their treasuries full. Prov 8:17-21 NIV
A longing fulfilled – All of us have longings in our heart that yearn to find expression. I used to equate them with lust and repress them. No longer! God placed desires in my heart that serve as motivation to pursue the Kingdom first and let every blessing follow. We understand how entrepreneurs and artists are fueled by deep desires… that’s us. As Kings, God is inviting us into the desires of our hearts. Wisdom is simply the mentor who has done it before and can hold our hand until we have the diligence to excercise the same skill.
He who gathers money little by little makes it grow. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Prov 13:11-12 NIV
A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul, but fools detest turning from evil. He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. Prov 13:19-20 NIV
What the wicked dreads will overtake him; what the righteous desire will be granted. Prov 10:24 NIV
The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied. Prov 13:4 NIV
I found another one – There are plenty of teachers in marketplace ministry (a good thing), but not that many fathers. We are prone to link the concept of fathering to church apostles. The real fathers for Kings are mentors who can give us the wisdom to go out and get something done. They aren’t found in pulpits. They are already out in the marketplace. They can teach us how to come up with a great idea, write business plans, manage cash flow, multiply finances and convert money into ministry around the world. Wayne Thomas is the most recent interview; a great example of a mentor who has a career-long reservoir of financial and management experience in large and small businesses (CPA and CMA). Wayne and Marlene are the perfect balance of spiritual maturity and business expertise with a heart to release Kings.
I think you’ll also enjoy getting acquainted with Andrew Ferguson and David Tinney. I believe there are hundreds and thousands more mentors like these being raised up by God in this hour… to release Kings. God is building the Kingdom by satisfying the longing in our hearts. It's His longing, too.
I received a recent email expressing a little frustration about the difficulty in finding a mentor. We’re looking for folks with experience in our field who are spiritually mature and who are willing to take the time to help us. It is a unique skill set, but I believe we can find them when we start looking. Our Interviewing Kings page was designed with that in mind. I’m not pretending to have them all listed. But I am alerting us to a current reality. Mentors are available by divine appointment when you are ready to seek them. God will provide one… start looking. "When the King is ready the mentor will appear."
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John and Sue www.Releasing-kings.com
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