What does it Really Mean to Live? (Writer's Opinion)
By Carol Round, Special to ASSIST News Service
CLAREMORE, OK (ANS – November 8, 2015) -- “Then
he called his disciples and the crowds to come over and listen. ‘If any
of you wants to be my follower,’ he told them, ‘you must put aside your
own pleasures and shoulder your cross, and follow me closely. If you
insist on saving your life, you will lose it. Only those who throw away
their lives for my sake and for the sake of the Good News will ever know
what it means to really live. And how does a man benefit if he gains
the whole world and loses his soul in the process?’” —Mark 8:34-36 (TLB).
years ago this month, God showed me what it really means to live. I had
retired from a 30-year teaching career just six months before. Within
two months of leaving the public education world behind, God redirected
my life’s journey to a different community where I knew very few people.
leaving my comfort zone, I had made plans—plans that didn’t involve
consulting God. However, as the months passed leading up to my final day
of teaching, God got my attention. He had a better plan for my life—a
plan to use my gifts and talents for His glory. He had a path for the
rest of my life, one I would not have chosen if it had been up to me.
However, I listened.
relocating to Claremore, God began placing people in my path, people
specifically selected for the purpose of keeping me on track with His
plan. What if I had ignored the guidance and encouragement from those
people, who are now my friends?
if I had not listened to that still, small voice telling me not to give
up? Would I still be writing a weekly column that reaches around the
world to places like Ireland, Kenya, Australia, France, Great Britain
and many other foreign countries? This was definitely God’s plan, not
Mark 8:34-36, Jesus tells His disciples what it means to really live.
Did these men live in luxurious homes or amass a fortune? No. But they
gave up their lives to follow Jesus.
a recent sermon, our pastor focused on this scripture. He said, “For
years, I didn’t understand what Jesus meant.” Then, as he began to
embrace what God was doing in his life, our pastor realized that “when
we give our life to Christ, God gives us our life back.”
Pastor Ray said, “It’s the paradox of the gospel.” There is, however,
always the element of contradiction in a paradox, something that just
doesn’t seem to make sense.
it make sense to throw away our lives for the sake of another? Some
people live in fear of others taking advantage of them. Others live in
fear of being hurt. Because they are so wrapped up in themselves, they
never experience the great joy and satisfaction that comes from
surrendering to Christ.
But Proverbs 22:4 tells us “True humility and respect for the Lord lead a man to riches, honor, and long life.”
Are you really living?
** You may republish this or any of our ANS stories with attribution to the ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net)
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