What if this could change? What if you could find a way to encourage more people to give?
After all, something can’t become a healthy habit until it first becomes a single step.
The following are 5 Ways To Get More First-Time Givers At Church:
#1 – Make It Easy For People To Give For The First Time
Genius is making the complicated simple. Not the simple complicated. It should be super-simple for people to give in your service.
Most people do not carry much cash or checks these days, so making giving simple will involve simple digital tools. Your church should be able to receive donations with debit and credit cards. It’s how most people pay for things and it is how most people support the organizations they like. Consider the following:
- Can people give on your website in 2 minutes or less?
- Can people give to your church without creating an in-depth account or profile?
- Can people give in the service, in the lobby or on your website?
- Most important, can people give on their phones?
#2 – Speak Directly To First-Time Givers During Your Service
Whenever you receive an offering in your church service, the people NOT planning to give immediately tune out. The key to connecting with them is to speak to them directly. Your offering time is not just for church members; it is for everyone who wants to participate.
Ironically, even people who do not participate in the offering might want to. So talk to them. Not with guilt, but with clarity.
Recognize they are there and periodically ask them for support in a way that honors God. Here is an example of a good offering talk:
“In just a few minutes, we’re going to receive an offering. This is a time where people from all walks of life who believe in what we’re doing here at Grace Church, give money so we can keep going….so we can keep serving our city…so we can keep sharing the Gospel. Some people give regularly, and we’re so grateful for that. Some people give online…and that’s amazing. And some people here today don’t regularly give but are thinking about it…if that’s you, we want you to know that’s a huge step. We’ll work hard to make this the best use of your money….to make it go so far and do so much good. We’d be honored if you’d give, maybe for the very first time.”
#3 – Remove The Pressure For First-Time Givers
Your objective is simply to get people on the journey of generosity. Therefore, if you want to reach new givers, let them know they can start where they are.
If you talk about tithing 10% of your income, people who feel strapped immediately feel like they cannot measure up. And when people feel like they cannot do something, they do not even try.
Encourage them to “just give something.” Help them take the first step, then the next step, and trust God along the way.
Generosity is a journey, not a destination. Encourage first steps.
#4 – Regularly Discuss Return On investment
This is huge. People want to be part of organizations and churches who are making a difference. Tell stories and share wins. Help people understand where their money goes and how it makes a difference in people’s lives and the world.
Business leaders understand the idea of return on investment. Giving to the church comes with an eternal ROI! That’s something to celebrate!
And your church has everyday, tangible stories of ROI. Tell those stories with a thankful spirit and you will encourage more people to get involved in financially supporting the mission.
#5 – Celebrate First-Time Donations
Churches do a great job celebrating salvation, baptism and rededications. But how come we don’t celebrate generosity as well?
A first-time gift is a spiritual decision, not a financial one. Let me explain.
Jesus said our treasure follows our heart. When someone gives for the very first time, they haven’t just made a financial decision…they have made a heart decision. Giving is a spiritual step!
This is why you need to celebrate and appreciate the first step of giving. Talk about it in your team meetings. Send personal note cards expressing your gratitude.
It is tough for people to give away their money for the first time. So when they do, CELEBRATE and say, “THANK YOU”.
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