Areas where I need to grow, my grandmother's heroic story, and a recent leadership talk I gave...
A couple of weeks ago, I got my annual work performance review. This can cause some anxiety, and in previous years I felt quite nervous entering these feedback sessions. However, this year was different. I found myself eager to hear how other people experienced working with me, so I could build even better relationships and trust with them.
These days, I find myself less concerned about "how far along" I am in my leadership growth and maturity. Instead I'm simply grateful to be learning and growing, because that gives me hope. And it seems to give others hope too! You can read more about areas I need to grow in, and some thoughts about why growth = hope below:
An update on my garden, and on areas I need to grow in personally.
Speaking of growth, there are few authors who have helped me understand this topic like Dr. Henry Cloud, and he recently released a new book called "The Power of the Other," which is about the surprising effect our relationships can have on us — for good and bad. I wrote a review on the book, but through my unique lens as an ethnic minority leader... and through telling the story of my late grandmother, who survived bombings and political regime changes in order to serve our family. I hope you enjoy reading about her story:
(Book Review)
Great leaders are in touch with their needs and can ask for help. But for many ethnic minorities, our walls are high… because our pain runs deep.
Great leaders are in touch with their needs and can ask for help. But for many ethnic minorities, our walls are high… because our pain runs deep.
Finally, last month I had the privilege of speaking at our ministry's national leadership conference on the topic of "security" in leadership. Here's a description: Leadership
is full of challenges and demands that often reveal our insecurities.
This talk addresses the theological foundations of security and includes
practical ideas and tools for growth in our security as leaders.
I hope you find the video helpful and practical:
I hope you find the video helpful and practical:
What does it take to let others
see our weaknesses even when it’s uncomfortable? To work with talented
people without feeling threatened?
Thank you for reading, for your support, and for your passion and dedication in leadership! I'm
grateful to get to learn and grow from each of you. I look forward to
interacting with you soon... I always love hearing from you!
Gratefully, Adrian

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