Why Smart Pastors Fail
Sometimes really smart pastors fail. I think I know some reasons why they do. Recently I read You’re in Charge–Now What
by Thomas Neff and James Citrin. The book targets leaders moving into
new positions. Whether or not you’re moving into a new ministry role,
read this book. It’s a great read. The last chapter is worth the price.
The authors give 10 traps for new leaders by playing off the book Why Smart Executives Fail
by Sydney Finkelstein whose authors list several destructive behaviors
leaders in failing companies show. Below, I’ve tweaked those 10 to make
them applicable for ministry leaders.
- Sets expectations too high (by never meeting them) or too low (and thus disappointing high performing leaders in the church).
- Makes rash decisions or suffers from analysis paralysis.
- Appears to have all the answers.
- Ties his or her identity too closely to ministry success.
- Fails to see reality (remember the fable ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes”).
- Squashes dissenting opinions.
- Doesn’t keep his role in context (remember, we are not saviors, Jesus is).
- Misses who really holds the power (just because power roles are written down somewhere does not mean they reflect who really holds the power).
- Tries to win every battle.
- Bad-mouths the previous pastor or ministry leader.
Related posts:
- The four steps that lead to moral failure
- 5 bad ways pastors react when compared to those more successful
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