The Narcissistic Pastor: 10 signs that you may be one
Greek mythology offers an important lesson for anyone in ministry, or
in any leadership position for that matter. As one fable goes, Narcissus
was a beautiful hunter. As a boy his face looked as if it were chiseled
from the purest marble. His beauty attracted others to him but he could
never let anyone get close even though they tried to extend their love
to him. He resisted because he had found another love. Here’s what
happened in the story and the implications for someone who might have
traits of a narcissistic pastor.
What are some indicators that a pastor or a leader may be a narcissist? And what are the dangers to his or her ministry and family?
Peter Steinki, a prolific author and church ministry consultant, has working with hundreds of churches and pastors in the last 40 years. He once worked with 65 pastors who had affairs and found that narcissism lay at the root of most of those failures. These pastors’ need for others to value them and their need to feel important led them to sexualize their desires. Their narcissistic tendencies led them to moral failure.
Based on my experience with others and upon the insight of others like Steinki, I believe that if a pastor shows signs of narcissism and doesn’t admit them and seek help, he has doomed himself to failure. The narcissistic pastor lives with an inflated sense of self-importance and an insatiable drive to be liked and to be at the center of attention. Satan will capitalize on these traits and tempt him to compromise his morals and values. A narcissistic pastor will create a false self to cover his fear of humiliation. Exposure to the real person is anathema to him. Steinki says that a narcissistic pastor’s drive to avoid disclosure often results in these kinds of behaviors.[1]
- Rage if he experiences shame for shame exposes his true self.
- An inordinate need for praise in order to feel important.
- The feeling of entitlement to special treatment.
- The immense need for continual feedback of how important she is.
- The feeling of superiority and its reinforcement from others.
- Strong reaction to rejection and disapproval, sometimes with intense rage.
- The lack of the capacity to mourn, a defense against depression.
- Calculating and conniving behavior to “maintain” supplies of continuous adulation.
- An impaired capacity for commitment.
- No capacity for self-focus or self-examination.
I’d like to hear about your experience with a narcissistic leader. Would you add any traits to this list? Have you ever seen a narcissistic pastor change? What helped him change?
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