Can Something this Simple Supercharge Staff Morale?
months ago I began something with our staff that has been a huge hit.
It’s simple. Any staff can do it, whether in a church or a business
application. And it boosts staff morale and excitement when we do it. I
encourage you to try it with your staff. It’s called a “Blue Sky
Thinking” morning. In this post I explain what it is and how you can do
it to supercharge your staff morale.
Before I give you our steps, I’ve listed below the benefits I’ve observed in our church staff.
- It stirred creativity.
- It allowed freedom to not have to ‘produce’ something. Rather it provided space to focus on issues we tend to put off.
- It fostered deeper relational connection when we shared what we learned.
- It encouraged our staff to affirm each other.
- It made us more vulnerable to each other as some tears have even been shed.
STEP 1: I schedule the first Tuesday of each month for our blue sky day. I send an email and ask each staff person to spend at least two hours alone that morning in a place that encourages creative thinking and minimizes distraction. They may choose a coffee house, a park, their office (with the shades drawn to block distractions), or even their home. The key is to pick a place as distraction-free as possible.
STEP 2: During their blue sky session, I encourage them to dream, pray, and think about some ministry or personal issue they need to give attention to. The sky’s the limit. I send these questions in the reminder email a few days prior to spur their thinking. They don’t answer every one, but they pick one or two to stir their creativity.
- What is a problem I need to solve in my job? What can I do about it?
- What is a process I need to improve? How can I improve it?
- If I could, I would (do this in ministry)….
- What gives me the most energy in ministry and how can I tap into that even more?
- What’s going really well in my role and how can I infuse what’s making it work into other parts of my job?
- What is God impressing on my heart?
- What if what I am currently doing in ministry just quit working all of a sudden. What could or would I do differently?
- What is God teaching me and what do I need to do in response?
- What is an area I’ve not thought much about, needed to, but have not scheduled think time?
- What is a wild and crazy idea I have? Play around with it.
Every time we do this, our morale gets a boost and each of us leaves that staff meeting feeling affirmed and excited.
I encourage you to try this simple experience and see what it does to your staff’s morale.
What kinds of team experiences have boosted your particular staff’s morale?
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