Saturday, October 18, 2008


Apostolic Saints
The Old Wineskin - We've heard a lot recently about seeing apostolic ministries come to the forefront and we've naturally focused on a crop of people that are networking and doing great exploits for the Lord. There are now apostolic conferences and networks breaking new ground. We celebrate those changes and the great vessels God has raised up. However, the guy in the pew often translates or "hears" those exploits and the message into something like this:
"The closest I can come to having a destiny is sending money to someone who really does have one so they can do the work of the ministry."
The New Wineskin - The real Ephesians 4 goal of five-fold pulpit ministries is to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry. For example, the real measure of an apostle isn't primarily what they have done, but what have their sons done? Have they released any saints into ministry? The Kingdom will be built by saints / Kings and funded from their own prosperity in the market place. Their ministry will be located in the marketplace and the fruit will be seen in the cultural change of cities and nations... not just disciples.
Exhibit A - The best way I make this point is with an example. Duane Smith is a local realtor and friend. He's educated as a civil engineer; soft spoken, thoughtful, conservative, yet willing to follow the Lord where ever. He leads a home group in his church and is occasionally invited to preach in his own church. However, you wouldn't necessarily think of this engineer/realtor as a dynamic speaker or miracle working evangelist. He's really just like you and I. We should admit that he has come under the influence of Howard Ferris; another civil engineer Duane went to college with. They both fund their own missions trips. Neither are sent by a church or an apostle... they just make plans and go! They both work jobs / businesses and use vacations and personal finances to minister. Said another way, they are taking Lakeland to the third world. Although I'm not suggesting we call them apostles, they are both functioning in that anointing complete with the signs following. What's the point?
If they can do it, so can you can you and I. Every willing saint is invited by the Lord to minister at his level. That is the new wineskin.
Duane's story - I (Duane) have received several requests to summarize our recent ministry trip to the Philippines. I will attempt to give a reader digest version, since the volume of what God has done would take several pages. I humbly submit our testimony according to Rom 15:18 For I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through us, resulting in the obedience of the Gentiles by word & deed.
We conducted 3 two-day healing crusade meetings with supernatural results at each meeting. The Philippine people were open and responsive to the gospel and healing faith. There were about 1,000 people who received Christ and hundreds healed. Each night God would back up the simple gospel with attesting miracles to confirm His word. Many deaf received hearing, cataracts & clouded eyes cleared, goiters reduced, arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease healed; to name a few. Several testified of being healed in the crowd as the gospel was being presented. Praise God for the simple power of His Word!
One young lady was in the final stages of cervical cancer. She received immediate relief from an oppressive spirit and the pain which was throughout her body. She testified on the second night about being pain free from the cancer and a year of chemo treatments.
One of my favorite miracles was a woman that had given birth 3 months prior, and had not urinated since. Her body was grossly swollen and distorted, skin molted, and eyes clouded. She looked like death warmed over. We prayed and she felt some relief. The following night she returned and testified of urinating last night and having all pain released. We prayed for her eyes and they cleared as we spoke. The interpreter said “her face shown with the glory of God”. This one was snatched from the grave.
The team was awesome, a great mix of gifting, intercession, and ministry. Both Karen & Alison preached the gospel with boldness and clarity. Deann separated the children each night and lead them in the gospel and salvation prayer. Our Philippine host led worship and helped release an environment for expectation and faith.
Prayer time together with the Philippine team was sweet. We prayed and sang together in tongues, worshiped, and broke the powers of darkness each morning for 2-3 hours. The Lord released multiple visions and prophetic direction. The dreams & visions were new to the Philippine pastors. It was a wonderful confirmation of the moving of His Spirit when they began seeing in the Spirit. We all gained an increase of God consciousness and the closeness of the Sprit realm. This was way too much fun!
After the crusades we held meetings at each location with the new believers, teaching them about the Kingdom and the authority of every believer. At the conclusion we had them demonstrate healing to each other with wonderful results. At one meeting I had eight infirmed people come to the front and asked a new believer to pair off with each one. I simply said to the crowd “if the message I have just preached is true, each of these will be healed by the authority of these new believers”. They were instructed to find out the infirmity, lay on their hands, and command the sickness to leave in Jesus' name. All eight testified of healing. One lady had a large goiter that completely disappeared before the peoples eyes. She testified, "I can’t find it any more” as she felt around her neck. (we saw goiters the size of golf balls to volleyballs)     
The Philippine pastors believed that healing was only administered through the clergy, so this was a breakthrough for them also. This again validates the mandate to preach and demonstrate the gospel.
I Cor 2:4-5 And my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that you faith should not rest on the wisdom of men but on the power of God.
God is amazing!
The pastor’s conference released the Holy Spirit in demonstration I had not experienced before. We spoke little but focused on worship, repentance, and the release of fears and limitations that keep us bound short of God’s Glory. I am in awe of what God did in breaking the “high ground” of men’s hearts. Their sincere devotion made available an environment for God to work. We had 80-90 pastors and leaders that lay and wept on the rough concrete floor until it was wet with their tears. When joy came, they testified of indescribable visions and presence of the Holy Spirit. Deann danced a prophetic dance that moved us to higher heights. No one left untouched, including each of us.
If you are still with me, I apologize for the lengthy narrative. I have so much in my heart to share. Thank you to those who prayed and help support this outreach. I am deeply thankful for the privilege of sharing life and love with these precious people. Truly Jesus correctly said “the poor in this life are rich in faith”; such treasure in simple packages. Life is good! Blessings Duane, Karen, Alison and Deann.
Duane Smith - Investment Specialist - Realtor®
John & Sue  

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