After Your Heart is Released...
The Lights Come On - One of my personal delights is observing the process of seeing hearts released into a Kingly realm. During the conference in Ukraine we saw God's people grasp permission from the Father to dream. For the first time, they looked into their own heart's desire to find the will of God. They gave themselves permission to make the decisions and take the initiative that will cause their dream to come true. They caught a glimpse of the prosperity, the ministry, and the adventure of being a King. They saw how much fun it could be.
Our books and newsletter also release hearts. Most weeks I get several phone calls from strangers who treat me like their closest confidant - their hearts are leaping because someone understands what's happening with them. God was stirring their heart and they found words in our materials to express the process and felt like they moved from an island to a revival.
So what's the next step? Kings who find a release for their hearts through conferences or materials don't really need another conference or a new book. They want to get on with their dream. I want to suggest two very specific steps that we can take at this stage. The first is a business plan and the second is finding your support group.
#1 Write Your Business Plan - Dreams come true with wisdom, planning, initiative, and work. It's important to continue your dream process at the next level. What decisions do I need to make to implement this dream? We've created a separate web page with more detail about the topics to consider at a new site called Write Your Business Plan. It's filled with an outline and links to additional resources and coaching possibilities. Go there now and take a look. Even if your dream is not clear yet, you can begin to think of your own life as business. Write a few sentences down in each category and set up a monthly cash flow for your personal finances. It's a great starting place to learn to dream bigger and to see the importance of your personal decisions in reaching your destiny.
#2 Find Your Support Group - Releasing Kings is in a pioneering phase. Find the people around you that God is touching in a similar way and help one another with your dreams. We've created another site with details about a format for that group (Start Your Own Group) based on my own experience with friends who love me and share my dream to Release Kings. We all help one another with everything from practical ideas to prayer. It's very encouraging and it will help you find your peers, mentors, and the network to take the next step.
What not to do
a. Don't ignore 1 and 2 - take those actions seriously. Waiting passively for God to do everything is a dream killer. Hope that is delayed can make your heart sick. Our goal is to guard the desires of our hearts... to discern them and nurture them into a destiny that builds the Kingdom of God.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Prov 13:12 NIV
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Prov 4:23 NIV
b. Let Your pastor be a pastor - We get excited about the concept of releasing Kings. It's natural to want to run back to our churches and pastors and try to impose it on them... bad idea. Here's why - Moving from servant to King requires a significant level of spiritual maturity "and" a decision to pursue your destiny even if it involves some risk (stepping out of the boat). Not everyone is at that place. Pastors need to be allowed to shepherd their flock at the pace of the slowest lambs. They can't just drop everything and switch to an emphasis of Releasing Kings - not everyone is ready. As a pastor, I was really surprised when I preached marketplace ministry. Half my congregation jumped all over it and half kind of yawned and wished I would move on to something else. Bottom line - Releasing Kings is a dynamic that moves hearts and ministry outside the church into six other mountains. There are some things a pastor can do and we've created a web site with those ideas (Releasing Kings in My Church). It's written from a pastor's perspective. Put your energy in your mountain and avoid piling expectations on your pastor.
We're Dancing
John and Sue www.Releasing-kings.com
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