Why the Sky is Not Falling (Pt 2)
Eschatology - One of my personal passions is discovering why Kings succeed and why Kings sabotage their own dream. In this newsletter I want to suggest that our mindset regarding the future can instill courage and wisdom or fear and failure. Eschatology is the study of future events from a Biblical perspective. The first newsletter on this topic from six months back is Why the Sky is Not Falling.
When I was in college in the 70's I was newly saved and discussions of the rapture were much more prevalent than now. I didn't expect to get out of school before Jesus came back. After I graduated and got a job, I didn't sign up for the pension or savings plan because I was sure the rapture would be soon. After a few decades and a host of failed prophetic events, I decided to look into eschatology and study the Bible for myself in that area. What I found out shocked me. Everything I had been taught and learned from books I read on my own came from one narrow and very flawed stream of theology. Briefly, I had mistakenly assumed that all the prophetic events in Daniel, Ezekiel, Mt 24, Mk 13, Lu 21 and Revelation were in the future. That was what I had been taught as part of my "rapture" foundation.
Rather than try to explain the scriptural choices and solution, I'm just going to point out the simple consequences of the two basic belief systems in this newsletter. Let me refer you to a book Harold Eberle wrote that does a great job of dealing with specific issues on a sound Biblical basis - Victorious Eschatology. Releasing Kings Chapter 9 also has a good summary. You can also order a PDF copy of these materials and receive the books electronically.
Your choices - Let's start with two simple facts. 1) Most believers my age were raised under a rapture theology even though it's not emphasized to the same degree now. 2) Beliefs about eschatology have consequences... a rapture mentality is like a poverty mentality; a major source of self-sabotage.
Pre-millennial - A rapture theology puts most prophetic events in the future and requires a long string of disasters to occurs before Jesus comes back... false prophets, floods, earthquakes, wars, rumors of wars, plagues, famines, the wrath of God, persecutions. Basically we end up running for the hills being chased by the antichrist just before we're rescued by the rapture followed by a 1000 year reign of relative tranquility...somewhere.
Amillennial or post-millennial - Your other choice is placing Biblical prophecy in historical context and realizing we're not waiting for the Kingdom to come; it's here now. The door is open to rule and reign with Jesus right now! We can bless the nations and fill the earth with His glory right now! What about all those "disasters?" Nearly all of them are scripturally and historically behind us.
But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you. Luke 11:20 NIV
"The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. Luke 16:16-17 NIV
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves... Col 1:13 NIV
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken... Heb 12:28 NIV
Rapture Consequences - If my heart is set on rapture eschatology there are some serious consequences that we can see all around us. These believers are still going to heaven. They are good people - albeit slightly mis-informed. Here is how they are programmed to believe and act... how "I" used to believe and act.
I believe the impending disasters coming to the earth are the will of God; perhaps even His judgment on a wicked generation. I expect and have faith for bad things and rejoice a little bit when they happen!
I'm prone to believe in conspiracy theories and I'm prone to suspect the worst in people. Only a remnant will make it through; many or most will be deceived and backslide! I expect the dollar to fail, the United States to crumble, and an evil, one-world government to establish itself. In my heart I've given up trying to make a difference. Even if I become prosperous, I expect the devil to steal it.
Prophecy takes on the tone of predicting the will of the devil and its primary fruit is fear. It does ring true (I'm agreeing that their are conspiracies "and" I'm agreeing that we can have insight into the plans of the enemy). However, the "doomsayer" quality on the prophetic tends to ignore the goodness and greatness of God's plan.
Which leads me to my last point... every good and noble thing God wants to do through Kings to establish the Kingdom and bless the nations is missing from this perspective and the prophetic "anointing" that goes with it.
Kingdom Consequences - Although I'm aware of the schemes of the enemy, I'm most focused on the grandest conspiracy of them all. It's one being orchestrated behind the scenes by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The easiest way to tap into that spirit is to "prophesy" the future of the United States. Here's what it sounds like... I'm inviting you to be the judge and discern how close I am to the "will of God" for this particular nation.
The US has a missions and prophetic call that the Lord is going to re-establish. Our national destiny is to lead the world out of the current recession and demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit that will make every social, medical and economical problem "bow" before Jesus' majesty. By our example we are called to lead other nations to be entrepreneurial, creative, industrious, prosperous, confident, and bold in the name of Jesus.
A level of creativity and faith is coming into this nation that not only solves medical coverage but we will find a way to "suddenly" pay off the national debt and lead the world in even higher levels of generosity. Poverty will "bow" before the majesty of Jesus and captives will be set free to dance in the streets at the goodness of God. The lost will not only be saved but their cultures will be transformed.
The church will unite under a Kingly mandate to equip the saints for the work of ministry in the marketplace. The walls will come down and Kings will release a new level of creativity, innovation, and prosperity that will break the yoke off millions. Every mountain will be occupied.
As the light of God grows brighter and brighter, the wheat and tares will be distinguished. The camp of the enemy will grown darker... and weaker at the same time. We will "succeed" in filling the earth with His Glory and establishing His Kingdom... and then He will return to a spotless bride. PS - it won't be tomorrow!
For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed." Rev 15:4 NIV
I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. 24 The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. Rev 21:22-24 NIV
How will it happen - Very simple. Kings will see the vision and own the opportunity to possess their inheritance. Dreams will come true. Great exploits will be the norm. And, we'll have fun doing it.
We already are possessing our inheritance, dreams are coming true, exploits are becoming the norm... and we're having a huge party.... the Kingdom has indeed come upon us and we're dancing!
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. Prov 25:2 NIV
Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. Ps 2:8 NIV
PS: Can I still have a rapture? Answer: Of course you can. Right after we're done making disciples of all nations! It will seem a little anti-climactic and it will occupy the same level of importance in our minds that it has in scripture.
We're Dancing
John and Sue www.Releasing-kings.com
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