Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Next Great Idea

The Next Great Idea

Creativity - I interviewed a business CEO this week whot has an amazing story. We’ll feature him in a future newsletter. One of the things he mentioned was very profound. Andrew has been through an amazing number of ups and downs. He learned that failing a business is not the “end” of an entrepreneur – it is simply a launching point for his next idea. Kings are not immune from setbacks; but they do know how to rebound (resurrect - "though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again" Prov 24:16). Andrew understands the nature of Kings. They are creative; able to come up with the next great idea.

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. Prov 25:2 NIV

Note: Our web provider is able to track hits on our archived newsletters. By far the “best seller” is one on Cultivating Creativity. It's worth reading again because it pertains to this theme.

Examples – Solving a problem involves three things: #1) We have to believe that we can find a solution (or we won’t look). #2) We have to frame the problem correctly to answer the right question, and #3) We have to know where to look for a solution. We have some great political debates raging in America right now. They share a common denominator – the real solution hasn’t shown itself yet!

Terrorism – Our president and his predecessor are bringing justice to terrorists through military action. I’m not suggesting that’s wrong, but I am amazed that we aren’t dealing with the root issue. Every time we kill a terrorist two more spring up in some other part of the world. As explained in the Starfish and the Spider, we’re fighting an ideology, not a nation… and we’re doing nothing to combat the ideology (the motivation to kill infidels). We don’t have the initiative that competes with a bad idea / a bad ideology. We're prone to try and buy favor

What’s missing? #3 We’re looking for a solution in the wrong place.

Global Warming – The reason the debate is difficult is because the argument isn't really about global warming... science has very little to do with the ideology and the motives behind this one. The middle ground between neglecting our environment and trying to leave it untouched by humans is to simply manage it. We have done some good things to mitigate pollution but we are not addressing the “religious fervor” that opposes industrialized society, opposes resource development and insists that animals have the same rights as humans. The core of this idea is that humanity is a bad influence on the earth!

What’s missing? #2 We’ve framed the problem so that we can’t reach agreement.

Health Care – This debate is centered on the degree of government control in providing health care. One side says the government should provide it or mandate it and the other says too much government is bad. I personally haven’t heard the free market idea that provides the solution. That’s what is missing. Everyone wants improved health care. No one believes the same entity that gave us the postal service will actually deliver health care on schedule and within budget. Absent the real idea, we’re going to compromise so we can get poorer health care at a higher cost with bonus points for increasing the entitlement mentality behind poverty. Thank you, Congress!

What’s missing? #1 We don’t believe a free market solution exists.

Poverty – To date, the only political solution to poverty has been to move capital from the wealthy and give it to poor people, poor states, and poor nations. The argument is always framed around how much we should give. I’m not opposed to helping people in need. I do it myself. However, giving money never removes poverty because poverty is a welfare state of mind that simply keeps a person from doing the things that produce wealth. We’re doing nothing to reduce the roots of poverty at a national level.

What’s missing? #3 We’re looking for a solution in the wrong place.

New ideas – Can you see the need for Kings to search out these matters and find the solution? These are all solvable and relatively simple problems! We need Kings in the media mountain to expose the missing ingredient in our debates. We need Kings in the business mountain to offer free market solutions. And finally, we need Kings in the political / government mountain with integrity and vision to maximize freedom and justice for all… as opposed to maximizing government control.

Can Kings rise up with the new ideas that represent a solution for everyone? Yes we can! “and” yes we will.

We all face personal road blocks. Here’s the take home message. You are more than a conqueror. You are able to come up with the next great idea that will take you to the next level. Men and women with imagination, creativity and enthusiasm will rule and reign with the King of Kings. We have the keys of the Kingdom and we’re called to bless the nations. Let’s get started… rise above whatever stands between you and the next step toward your dream.
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Eph 3:20 KJV

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" 1 Cor 2:9 NIV

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John and Sue www.Releasing-kings.com

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