Friday, August 9, 2013

36 Leadership Quotes From Bob Goff and Mark Burnett

Live Blog From The 2013 Global Leadership Summit – 36 Leadership Quotes From Bob Goff and Mark Burnett

By: Brian Dodd

Once again, thanks again to The Rocket Company for allowing me to attend the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.  In an effort to help fulfill our mission of helping churches succeed, I will be bringing some of the top leadership lessons from the incredible faculty the WCA has assembled.  Today has been amazing.
Bob Goff left off the afternoon’s final session.  The following are leadership quotes and lessons from his amazing session.  You can get his new book Love Does by clicking here.
  1.  We all want to lead strong but we get our signals wrong from time to time.
  2. You want to lead really well, every time some asks how are you doing, “Trying to be perfect, like your Father in Heaven is perfect.  Trying to be awesome.”
  3. Love God.  Love People.  And Do Stuff.
  4. I don’t want a son-in-law.  You don’t want employees.  I want a friend.
  5. If I figure out what Jesus made me to do and do a lot of that, I’ll be a leader.
  6. Some of us bought a lie that we’re our biggest mistake.
  7. You know how you do this stuff.  Just land the plane.
  8. If we weren’t afraid in leadership, we could live the life worthy of our calling.
  9. I’ve been called to do justice.
  10. See people for who they’re becoming.  Not who they were.
  11. I don’t what it’s going to be like in Heaven but don’t you just hope Jesus touches you on the nose.
  12. Every single Thursday I quit something…God will drop something in there.
  13. God wants to blow your minds!
  14. Isn’t great for God to use us beyond our ability to get it.
  15. You want to get stuff right, just give them Jesus.
Mark Burnett
  1. I came here with nothing and discovered what a serious land of opportunity this is…In America, no door is closed.
  2. Start a business with the lowest cost possible.
  3. Americans will give you a chance…You have to take action.
  4. In business, there’s lots of “No’s”.  NO means “next opportunity”.
  5. The Bible is a calling…The calling of God, Jesus means you have to get your #$% off the couch and do something.
  6. Bill is the first pastor I met across the country that had never heard of The Voice.  We have to get Bill into pop culture.
  7. Stop playing defensively and start playing offensively.  Stop apologizing.  Be offensive.
  8. We have great credibility and skill in making movie pictures.  This is utterly and completely Holy Spirit. – on 100 million people watching The Bible.
  9. This is a nation absolutely built on the Bible and on faith.
  10. We came along at the right time in our nation’s history and the church’s history.
  11. In Canada, it was up against returning hockey and beat hockey.
  12. Choose your companions before you choose your road.  Travel with the right people.
  13. Raise up the people in the trenches.  Get rid of the energy suckers.
  14. Unresolved emotional conflict and dealing with the wrong people drain the energy.
  15. We have a mission.  We have things to do.  We must succeed..Not everybody is the right person on the right team.
  16. Everyone on my shows is a duo – creative people with finance people.  They need to coexist and work together.  There is a lot of money at stake.
  17. You want to lead big teams – choose the right companions, raise them up, and empower them.
  18. I manage from a decent arm’s length.  I don’t let directors push the editor’s buttons on their machine.  The editor is brilliant.  Let them do their job.
  19. If someone came to me to pitch a show without a budget and a schedule I would wonder why I hired such an insane person and I would fire them tomorrow.
  20. The easiest thing to do in the world is waste money.  How do you put it on the screen so it makes money.
  21. Making Christian shows or movies doesn’t give you the permission to make it crappy.

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