Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Church Or Kingdom

Church Or Kingdom
Musings - Today my heart is longing to see Kings equipped and released. I'm just back from a great conference. Ministers shared their latest insights from scripture, updated their church activities and missions strategies and surmised what the future might hold. It was positive and loving and the presence of God was there. One brother shared on his Kingly exploits which was good. So on the way home and now, the next day, I am groping for the reason for the tension in my spirit. I guess it's impatience with the transition we're in.
Transition - We are moving from a belief that the great commission was taking the gospel to all men, getting as many saved as possible and then having the end come... a nice quick rapture to glory. The new realization is that the good news we're sharing isn't just a salvation experience, it's way of life - an abundant life. More specifically, each of us are being invited to pursue our heart's desires as they overlap with God's purposes. We are being invited into a place of prosperity where we have the flexibility to fund our ministry dream. The result is that our culture is changed and nations are blessed and redeemed.
Problem - The problem is that when we say "church" we often think of Kingdom as synonymous. The result is that local churches often feel like perpetual motion machines that exist to promote themselves, gain membership, and build more facilities and services. We do need more pastors, church plants, facilities, and programs to equip the saints. We just need to realize that is not the goal. Everything "church" is just a means to an end. The real goal is that we should be graduating Kings that impact our culture. That is happening to a degree, but it's nearly a coincidence an opposed to an intentional strategy.
Examples - Let's use the music/entertainment mountain for example. Inside church circles, like my conference, we talk about the next move in worship... a new sound coming. It is true that worship has advanced greatly over the last few decades. And, more progress is in store for the future. However, new innovations and new sounds don't originate in church, they come from Kings functioning in their mountain. Our culture is impacted by the likes of Elvis and Michael Jackson. The church generally disowned both of these entertainment Kings and often cited them an examples of carnality. I would admit those two did not exactly champion the cause of Christ but I also wouldn't be surprised to see them heaven. They both had a huge impact on the entertainment world. And their music and talent far exceeds anything produced inside a local church.
Now scroll up to the present and let's use the rising popularity of country music as our example. Most of the entertainers are believers. Many come from a church background. They are young, innovative musicians and the lyrics of their songs very often carry a Biblical theme and many carry an anointing that ministers the Holy Spirit to those who listen. I've even heard Charlie Daniels describe the presence of God in the Grand old Opry (I haven't been there). I want to suggest that the entertainment culture is being gradually and positively changed for good by the Kings in this particular field. I also want to suggest that they usually catch more flack than support from the "church."
Equipping and Releasing - Most churches and pastors do a good job of equipping the saints. We get them saved and baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. We teach them to prophecy and serve and pray and study and minister God's word to others. It's all very good. We just do a terrible job of releasing. We expect them to stick around and perpetuate the institution when the congregation is called to one of the other six mountains. They don't have to leave the church, but their hearts do belong in another mountain.
My heart is longing for the day when we'll esteem one another as Kings and we'll encourage every brother and sister to pursue their heart's desire and find their real calling to impact the culture (in business, media, arts & entertainment, education or government). More specifically, we should help those Kings find mentors in those fields that can show them how to prosper financially and make their dream come true.
Why? - The good news isn't just heaven, it is abundant life here and now. We're not going anywhere until His Kingdom comes on earth. That means we win, our nation is redeemed, and the glory of God fills the earth.... and we need you plugged into your dream and abundantly prosperous so that your cup can run over so you can do the work of the ministry. We're here to bless the nations. It's going to take all of us! You're already "chosen" by Jesus.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 NIV
It's not about the church. That's just the Bible College. It's not about 5-fold ministries. They are just the professors. It's all about the Kingdom and the exploits of Kings... it's all about you! Go for it.
PS: I feel better already. Thanks.

We're Dancing

John and Sue www.Releasing-kings.com

PS: I want to recommend some follow-up reading.
Who is God by Harold Eberle provides the best explanation of a more relational view of God. It's must reading that connects our perception of God with everyday life.
Releasing Kings for Ministry in the Marketplace takes that foundation into marketplace ministry and the entrepreneurial nature of Kings. Fruit in the marketplace naturally springs out of sound doctrine.
Desire to Destiny - Takes the foundation and marketplace ministry and puts them in the context of seven practical keys or stages of growth you can apply in your own life.
You're invited into the vision to release Kings; communicate the message, make the money, and do the mission.
1. The Message - Our first goal is to get the Releasing Kings message into the hands of the messengers that will carry it... do it, preach it, teach it, example it.
2. The Money - The second goal is to help Kings break out of poverty by networking them with practical opportunities to prosper. We want to introduce them to the right people, the right opportunity, and the right financial approach.
3. The Mission - Network Kings with opportunities to mix business and missions. Accomplish the great commission through the marketplace and occupy the Seven mountains of: business, media, arts & entertainment, education and government in addition to the church.
You can get your copy of Releasing Kings for Ministry in the Marketplace or Desire to Destiny at
1-800-308-5837 (or)

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