How do you become the best version of you? How do you become everything God created you to be? How do you reach (or exceed) your potential and everyone else’s expectations for yourself?
In the video above, performance coach and keynote speaker Alan Stein Jr. gives us a unique glimpse into the training habits of an individual who maximized every ounce of talent he was given and then some – two-time NBA Most Valuable Player Steph Curry.
Curry is generally recognized as the greatest shooter in the history of the NBA. But how did an under-sized, lightly-recruited player from a non-basketball school achieve such superior results?
The following are 10 Things You Must Do To Become The Best Version Of You I gleaned from the incredible video above. Before getting to my points, if you do not follow Alan on Twitter, make sure you do so by clicking HERE.
- To Become The Best Version Of You You Must Be Willing To Train – Steph Curry was attending the 2007 Kobe Bryant Nike Skills Training Academy in Los Angeles to work on his skills.
- To Become The Best Version Of You You Must Compete Against Quality Competition – You only get better by facing competition who is bigger, faster, stronger and better than you. Nike was bringing in the best high school and college players from around the country to face each other.
- To Become The Best Version Of You You Must Often Work In Anonymity – I refer to this as the lonely work. In 2007, Curry was still rather unknown following his freshman season at Davidson. He was also the least heralded of the college counselors.
- To Become The Best Version Of You You Must Ignore The Naysayers – There will always be those who dismiss you or minimize your accomplishments. Ignore them. Many of the other coaches referred to Curry as simply, “Dell’s son.”
- To Become The Best Version Of You You Must Rise Early And Arrive Early – Curry was the first player laced up an on the practice court.
- To Become The Best Version Of You You Must Put In Extra Work – When the camp’s other players were just arriving at practice wearing their head phones and flip flops, Curry had already gotten in numerous quality reps and worked up a significant sweat.
- To Become The Best Version Of You You Must Relentlessly Work On Your Craft – Curry made easily 100 shots from various spots on the court. The key word is “various”. Curry worked hard to diversify his skill set and hit shots from all over the court.
- To Become The Best Version Of You You Must Build Mutually-Beneficial Relationships – Curry took the risk of walking across a room after practice and ask a complete stranger to rebound for him.
- To Become The Best Version Of You You Must Put In Extra Work – Point #5 was you must arrive early. But in addition to arriving early, you must also be willing to put in the extra work on the back-end by staying late.
- To Become The Best Version Of You You Must Have Incredibly High Personal Standards – Curry did not leave the practice facility until he swishes five free throws in a row. For the uninitiated, a “swish” is a made shot which does not touch the rim. This is often referred to as “nothing but net”. Most people would be happy with five made free throws in a row. If Curry hit four in a row but the fifth made shot hit the rim, he would start over.
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