Thursday, April 4, 2013

Deceitful Riches

Deceitful Riches

There seem to be major messages taught in the Church about Spiritual Prosperity that have caused the believer much conflict.

Pope Frances tells us he will be more concerned for the poor.
According to Reuters - "Pope Francis, giving his clearest indication yet said that he wants a more austere Catholic Church, said on Saturday that it should be poor and remember that its mission is to serve the poor."

And how true this is... we should care for the poor. Poverty is staggering world wide. The Economists estimate that annual spending by the Catholic Church and entities owned by the church exceeds around $170 billion. Obviously, ostentatious, unaccountable, indulgent, and garish spending is never necessary and there is MUCH adjustment needed.

But, this idea that every local church should be "poor" - just isn't Biblical! We can't care for the poor very well -- if we are poor.

It's true that some forms of gaining wealth contribute to corruption and every evil work. The world's ways with money can be grievous. Scripture tells us about the ungodly who increasingly prosper in the world (Ps. 73:12).

* The Bible tells us that "Fools are destroyed by prosperity" (Prov. 1:28-32). Many use their wealth as a fool.

richesAre riches deceitful? Mammon rules the world and unfortunately, much of the church. The word 'mammon' refers to wealth and riches -- but the word is rooted in deceitful self-reliance and on the unredeemed soulish accomplishments that leads to a false or man-made reputation (idolatry).

When Jesus told the disciples not to serve God and Mammon (Mat. 6:24), He was not telling them to be poor, but rather, instructing them to not place their trust or allegiance in mammon (self reliance and self accomplishments can be deceitful). God opposes you when you TRUST in money as your SOURCE or objective of life.

"Therefore if you have not been faithful in the use of unrighteous wealth (mammon), who will entrust the true riches to you? (Lk. 16:11). Those NOT faithful in unrighteous wealth (mammon) will not be entrusted by God to use righteous wealth!

An example of deceitful riches is the over-done warped prosperity message. You've seen this in action! These advocates live in lavish personal opulence and have arrogant ideas about themselves. Their extreme extravagance goes beyond the limits of necessity or restraint, stability, and balance.

Most of us know about the unfortunate extremes that many such preachers use to manipulate through greed. We see how they used Scripture about prosperity to become "deceitful riches."

Down deep, most believers think it is spiritual to have a poverty mindset. People with poverty mind-sets tend to be more angry, frustrated, cynical, pessimistic, and have smaller goals (mental claustrophobia). Their imaginations tend to be more limited, restricted, and confined. Most poor people focus on what they DON'T have and what they DON'T want - instead of what they DO have.

You must break that spirit of poverty that hovers around you. Don't allow unproductive and unsuccessful people with old fashioned mind-sets to influence you any longer. As you embrace greater Truth, you are empowered. Poverty is not just about money - it is about your abundant life spiritually, physically, mentally, relationally, and financially.

But... How do YOU break through?
Where did all these misunderstandings come from?
There will be more Newsletters about this topic soon!

40 day focus"40 Day Focus on Prosperity" will explain it all to you... and you will be excited to discover how to prosper! You can get it here! I know this book is a life-changer!

Foreword by Apostle John Kelly, "Dr. Kluane Spake has written an excellent book to help us achieve our destiny dream. She explains the how and why in '40 days of Focus on Prosperity.' THIS BOOK WILL HELP US ACHIEVE OUR DESTINY DREAMS. This book is beyond a devotional; it reveals the necessary patterns and principles that will bring us the desired prosperity needed to succeed."

Endorsements for this book written by by Ap. Stan DeKoven, Ap Mark Kaufman, Dr. Bruce Cook, Ap. Mark Pfeifer, Ap. Jill Mitchel, Ap. Walt Healy, Bishop/Dr. Frank Ofosu-Appiah, Bishop Pines, Ap. Tommi Femrite, Pastor Eric Vernelson, and many more!

Jesus Reversed the Curse of Poverty. He became poor at the cross and took your poverty upon Himself (Gal. 3:13, 14, 16, 29). Spiritual prosperity is a non-negotiable Kingdom principle.

* Since Jesus made such a great sacrifice for YOU, will you apprehend the value of His sacrifice?

* Learning about Godly prosperity in the natural realm is related to the release of the Spirit prosperity in your daily life.

You can order this information today!

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