Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The New Work as Worship Network site with RightNow

The New Work as Worship Network site with RightNow  
Seven years ago a conversation began here on this Business as Mission Network site. It was a conversation that started because too many Christians spend a great deal of time at work and yet they don't see how their work intersects with their faith. 
Over the years the blog posts sparked many conversations that have become a regular part of our DNA with the 75 people on our RightNow team. Today, one of our deep passions at RightNow is helping people realize that there isn't a divide between the sacred and secular parts of our lives and that working with our God-given skills can be an act of worship.
We might spend 2 hours of our week at the church building or in a small group. This kind of worship is biblical and a vital rhythm in the life of a Christian. But during the other 166 hours of our week, we have just as much potential to worship the God who created us. Our time at church and small group should launch us out into the world-which includes the marketplace-prepared to take the hope of Jesus with us.
Currently, there are pockets of churches and ministries promoting a part of the work as worship message. Some focus on how to give money as a business person, while others focus on how to do evangelism in the workplace or build a business overseas.  Some focus on business leaders, others on employees. Our RightNow team is committed to creating content for business leaders and the Church that champions a holistic viewpoint of work and faith.
 site is merging with our new WorkasWorshipNetwork.org
 site to put a bigger dent in the sacred and secular divide by having this conversation on a much bigger platform. You'll continue to find the same news updates but today you can check out 40+ different video stories and illustrations as well as updates on our growing Work as Worship Conference.  In order to communicate a complete and biblical picture of work and faith, we've defined 8 tenants of the Work as Worship message that inform all the content we create in this area, including our Work as Worship conference and video resources. You can read the full list here (www.workasworshipnetwork.org/what-is)
In the next 30 minutes you'll be getting an email from  work@rightnow.org highlighting the new site. So check your mail filters and make sure it gets through. It will be the first of our monthly email updates from the new site. 
You can also continues to get the news updates on the new blog or by following me on twitter (@justinforman)
Justin Forman 
Executive Vice President 

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