Monday, December 21, 2015

Free Sermon Package: “Labels”

Free Sermon Package: “Labels”

Sermon Package - Labels
This message teaches us that we are not what people say we are; we are who God says we are.

Free Sermon Package

Download and share this sermon with your congregation. From, “Several times a year, campus pastors and Network Pastors ‘team teach’ with Pastor Craig. Team teaching allows you to take the baton from Pastor Craig during a series and create your own supporting message. Use the ‘opening segment’ and ‘closing segment’ as bookends to your own message, or use the ‘message video,’ too, for a complete message.”
This sermon package includes:
  • Bulletin outline
  • Closing segment
  • Message video
  • Opening segment
  • Talk It Over questions
  • Instragram quote in JPG format

Get Download Now

Resource provided by

Download Instructions: 
Follow the on-screen directions at the download site.

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