Friday, May 6, 2016

10 Ways NOT to Grow a Church

10 Ways NOT to Grow a Church

We often read posts about ways we can grow our churches. But seldom do we read about ways that DON’T grow our churches. Consider these 10 ways NOT to grow a church.
dont even think about it written on a notepad paper. illustration design

How not to grow a church.

  1. Never say, “No.”
  2. Please everybody.
  3. Don’t take a vacation.
  4. Strategize first, pray later.
  5. Act like you have it all together.
  6. Try to figure out what others are saying about you.
  7. Secretly criticize churches that are growing faster than yours.
  8. Try to make each service bigger and better than the previous week’s service.
  9. Immediately implement the techniques you just learned from a church growth conference.
  10. Disregard, marginalize, or forget the 9 ways above.
What would you add to this list?
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