Monday, March 16, 2015

7 Practices Of Highly Effective Church Volunteers

7 Practices Of Highly Effective Church Volunteers

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FREE Online Webinar

I was reflecting this past week about the practices of highly effective church volunteers.  The conversation caused me to go back 38 years and remember the incredible impact a man named Lenis Black had on my life.  Before reading the 7 practices I learned from Mr. Black, make sure you sign up for the FREE online conference this Wednesday, March 18th called How To Recruit Volunteers Without Begging.  Put on by The Rocket Company, I cannot recommend enough pastors and their leadership teams click the image and register for this ministry changing event because your church needs to make it as easy as possible to enlist people like Mr Black.
  1. Highly Effective Church Volunteers Provide Stability And Security – After my parents divorced, my mother began taking her three children to church hoping the environment of Acworth United Methodist Church would provide a level of stability for their lives.  Thanks to Mr. Black and others, my mother made the correct decision.
  2. Highly Effective Church Volunteers Make Church Interesting – Mr. Black was humorous, very interesting and a great Bible teacher.  He talked about things teenage boys appreciated and made the Bible come alive.
  3. Highly Effective Church Volunteers Build Relationships That Extend Beyond Sunday Morning – Mr. Black’s son who was one of my best friends.  This was a good excuse for him to periodically show up at school to simply see how those in his Sunday School class were doing.
  4. Highly Effective Church Volunteers Care About People – My fondest memory of Mr. Black was when called me during the Georgetown vs Villanova showdown in January, 1984.  There was no agenda as he was just investing in my life.  Funny thing, I remember every aspect of his phone call to this day.
  5. Highly Effective Church Volunteers Model The Christian Life – Great volunteer leaders are a picture of the desired destination at which others should wish to arrive.  The stark reality is when a divorce happens, a void is created in the child’s life.  It is simply unavoidable.  This void was filled by Mr. Black.  He gave me a picture of what a man sold out to Jesus looked like.
  6. Highly Effective Church Volunteers Expose Others To Church Leadership – Highly effective church volunteers make a strategic and conscious decision to expand their leadership circle.  Shortly after becoming a Christian, Mr. Black walked me into Senior Pastor Jim Lowery’s office to pray before a service.  Due to my naivety, I had no idea what was going on or even how to pray.  However, this single decision to invite me in that setting propelled me on the path of serving pastors and church leaders which I am still on almost four decades later.
  7. Highly Effective Church Volunteers Are Extravagantly Generous – Mr. Black taught our class for each of my four years of high school.  Annually, he wrestled with whether he should return or not.  Each year he did and my life was never the same.  In fact, he has taught Sunday School classes of different ages at the church for over 40 years.
I am so glad for the investment Mr. Black made in my life.  For this, I will thank him each and every day for all of eternity.
If you want to raise up volunteers like Mr. Black in your church, then FREE online conference this Wednesday, March 18th called How To Recruit Volunteers Without Begging by clicking the image below.
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