Monday, August 29, 2016

49 Leadership Quotes And Lessons On Mission, Vision And Church Growth From Tony Morgan

oday was Day 2 of Capital Campaign University put on by INJOY Stewardship Solutions.  We had the wonderful privilege of learning from one of the most respected and trusted church consultants in America, Tony Morgan.  For those of you who may not know, Tony’s website and book Killing Cockroaches provided the template for how I would do my site.
Tony gave an incredible message on mission, vision and church growth strategy.  Make sure you bookmark this post and revisit it often.  It will make you a better pastor and church leader.
As a special gift to everyone reading these posts, INJOY Stewardship Solutions offering a complimentary downloadable Ebook entitled “The Absolute Best Quotes From The 2016 ReThink Conference.”  Click Here to Download this Free Resource!
Enjoy these 49 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Tony Morgan On Church Mission, Vision And Strategy:  
  1. I encourage pastors to think about the real issues their people are dealing and help bring solutions to their daily lives.
  2. Every church has in them a vision for where they believe God is calling them but there is something that is preventing that vision from becoming reality.
  3. Every big vision requires perspective, planning, and action.
  4. What’s the starting point?
  5. Sometimes we’re just too close to the problem. When we’re too close, we can identify symptoms and address those symptoms. We may cause ourselves more harm though because we’re not dealing with the core issues.
  6. We have preconceived notions.
  7. It is important to bring in someone from the outside because we have fresh eyes.
  8. We try to go at it alone. We don’t just need fresh eyes. We need all eyes.
  9. In the New Testament body, more than just the senior pastor gets the vision.
  10. Experience counts.
  11. We need to tap on the shoulders of people who understand where we believe God is calling us to go.
  12. 4 Helpful Questions – What’s right in the church today? What’s wrong in the church today? What’s confusing in the church today? What’s missing in the church today?
  13. We need to plan. Where are we going?
  14. Mission defines the purpose of your church. This is why you exist? Keep the mission statement to 10-12 words or less.
  15. The vision is a picture of the future, where we are going. We at the Unstuck Group help them think five years ahead. The world is changing too fast to go beyond that.
  16. Most churches are thinking one week out.
  17. This is a lengthier vision statement with many bullet points.
  18. The vision has to be clear.
  19. The clearer we can get with specifics it helps us rally people with their prayer and engagement. It also rallies resources.
  20. It needs to specific and measurable.
  21. The key to being specific is Yes or No, was it accomplished.
  22. A vision for the future helps us make wise decisions today.
  23. A big vision rallies people and resources and repels people and resources.
  24. You want some people to decide this is not the church for me.
  25. What’s the difference between unchurched and dechurched? We believe some people a generation ago had some previous connection to church and faith. Today, most have no foundation for that.
  26. How will we get there? We have to get very specific here.
  27. There is a gap between the vision God has called us to and day-to-day ministry.
  28. The gap is filled by the action plan/strategy on how to get there.
  29. Any good action plan addresses what specifically needs to be done?
  30. It also addresses who will be responsible?
  31. It answers when will it be completed?
  32. You also need to ask how much is it going to cost? God’s vision costs money.
  33. Just because I plan doesn’t mean I don’t have faith.
  34. Jesus has suggested planning as part of what God has called you to do.
  35. You can’t drift to health and growth.
  36. You will drift to what is comfortable, your past practices and disciplines. You will drift to what is most urgent.
  37. Strategy without vision will keep people busy. Vision without strategy will keep people guessing.
  38. Hope is not a strategy.
  39. God gives a vision. God gives a strategy. If we follow through, we will see God move.
  40. Planning is not opposite of faith. When we plan, we shine the spotlight on what we feel God is going to do.
  41. People who plan have greater faith because it shines the spotlight on what we hope God is going to do.
  42. Stewardship of God’s mission is we plan before we build.
  43. It does take all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people.
  44. Mission will rarely change. Vision will change but not frequently.
  45. If we have the same vision for decades, that vision will grow stale. What is driving that is our communities are constantly changing.
  46. I do believe we are reaching a saturation point in some of the communities we are trying to reach.
  47. In order for your church to grow, you have to get 1000 first time guests for your church to grow.
  48. From a programming standpoint, we tend to focus on the people inside the church and not people outside the walls of the church.
  49. When people come inside our doors on Sunday, they are not perfect Jesus followers.

Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are the Johnny Hunt Mens Conference, ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences among others.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

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