Monday, December 19, 2016

15 New Books I Recommend

15 New Books I Recommend

By Brad Lomenick on Dec 15, 2016 03:37 pm
It's the end of the year. And this is probably more than you can read over the Christmas holiday, but wanted to provide my current top 15 list of new books I recommend you read. In no particular order:
1. Team of Teams - Stanley McChrystal 
2. How's Your Soul? - Judah Smith
3. Designed to Lead - Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck 
4. Tools of Titans - Tim Ferriss
5. Originals - Adam Grant 
6. Grit - Angela Duckworth 
7. Smarter, Faster, Better - Charles Duhigg
8. When You, Then God - Rusty George 
9. The Content Trap - Bharat Anand
10. Present Over Perfect - Shauna Niequist 
11. The Ideal Team Player - Patrick Lencioni
12. TED Talks - Chris Anderson 
13. Shoe Dog - Phil Knight
14. Living Forward - Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy
15. #AskGaryVee - Gary Vaynerchuk
BONUS: Thomas Friedman's new book Thank You for Being Late.

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