Wednesday, June 8, 2016

8-Point Checklist for Pastoral Body Care

8-Point Checklist for Pastoral Body Care

body careStatistics tell us that pastors don’t take great care of their bodies. However, if we are to remain effective for the long-haul, we must pay careful attention to taking good care of our bodies.
Answer these 8 questions and determine how well you are caring for your body.
  1. Am I keeping my body weight at a reasonable level? Calculate your body mass index here?
  2. Do I regularly exercise (3-5 times a week for at least 30 minutes)?
  3. Would others say I manage my stress well?
  4. Do I do some fun things outside of ministry?
  5. Do I take a full day off each week?
  6. Do I avoid guilt feelings when I take my day off?
  7. Do I take a real vacation each year?
  8. Am I able to disconnect from the phone, email, and computer for several hours at a time?
How did you do?
If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions, what should be your next step to take better care of yourself?
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