Monday, September 26, 2016

Francis Chan: Satan Wants to Destroy Your Marriage

Francis Chan: Satan Wants to Destroy Your Marriage

“One of the things I absolutely hate is when I have an amazing spiritual experience and my wife isn’t there,” Francis Chan says in the following video.
This is a problem, Chan implies, because it can cause distance between husbands and wives when one spouse is trying to relate an incredible experience to the other but is not getting across accurately. As Chan explains, “Satan is so on the warpath” and he has his eyes set on taking out ministry leaders any way he can.
“Some of you guys are living some godly lives. You’re fighting; you’re pursuing things that are difficult and Satan hates that. If he can’t take you down in your theology and he can’t take away your courage, he’ll strike at your marriage.”
So what can you do to guard against Satan’s attack against your marriage? Chan advises that you don’t just do things like go on vacation with your spouse, but have focused times of pursuing the Lord together. He also emphasizes pursuing ministry together, which is something that Chan admits men are not always the best at doing.

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