Saturday, September 3, 2016

Stop Wasting This Opportunity With Your Kids

I am going to be a grandpa!... and I’m getting SO FREAKIN’ EXCITED about having a new little Team K member (a boy!) to love on and disciple.
So we feel pretty busy getting ready...and everyone I know feels maxed out in their schedules right now. But here’s the thing: 
We are all living with a rhythm that provides one of the most valuable and reoccurring opportunities for discipleship in our families. In this week’s post I explain what it is.
Stop Wasting Your Most Valuable Opportunity For Discipleship
You Already Do This Every Day and It's Powerful!

What if your family dinners could be re-tooled and repurposed with a new intentionality that made them more fun, more focused and a perfect way to naturally disciple your kids and your selves? 
Let me show you a few simple ways that Team K (my family) learned how to do this. [Continue reading...]
– (Grandpa) Caesar

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