Monday, September 19, 2016

I’ll pay you to read this email

I had a little mini-sabbatical this summer to rest, think and pray about what the Lord is saying to me regarding the weeks and months ahead.
I’ve emerged with a super-fired up sense that (like my family) you may be feeling it’s time to get a little more intentional about really living out your faith in everyday life, with others in community.
But this time of year it’s SO easy to slip back into the same ol’ patterns and never really grow or make disciples.
Yep– getting started is the hardest part...but I want to help you in that. 
(Remember I said I’d pay you?)
I have worked really hard to put
together this NEW free video series and
I think it will be a game changer for you!
Here is how it will work:
  • The course is 3 mini-lessons that build upon each other (you need to watch all 3!)
  • All 3 short video modules will be emailed to you this week
  • Each lesson will contain small action items for you to act upon
  • At the end of this week you'll have more clarity for living on mission and the confidence to act now.
Really...get we go…  
Here’s the first module + PDF action guide in the series–all focused around living an every-day faith in community and disciple making.
7 Key Steps To Living an Every-Day Faith in Community
The Best Part? 
This first video and Start-up Guide will give you IMMEDIATE ACTION STEPS to get started with your family and friends.
I remember when I started my missional journey, I had a NO IDEA what the heck I was doing...but this simple roadmap has always helped me keep from getting lost or way off track on mission.
If I could do it, you definitely can too.
In a few days I’ll share with you an even bigger “aha” that crushes all the fears connected with living and sharing an authentic faith.
See you soon!
P.S. Got Questions? Just hit “Reply” I'm here to answer them for you.

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