Sunday, March 13, 2016

30 Things People Want From Church Services

In the August 19th edition of USA Today, managing editor Erik Davis was quoted as saying, “(For summer movies) the trailers are about making you in awe of what you’re watching…Fall (Oscar hopeful) awards trailers are about making you feel something.  They want you to remember the movie, the experience.  It made you feel sad, emotional.  You cried, you saw something that was beautiful.  They want to win you over on your on your emotions.”
As I read his words, I was personally challenged by the level of effort Hollywood film producers put into a 2-to-3 minute movie trailer to engage your emotions.
Even though they are made with an incredible level of creativity and excellence, I was reminded how much more important weekly church services are than movie trailers.  Simply put, a movie trailer cannot change a person’s life.  But Jesus Christ working through our church services changes people’s lives on a weekly basis.
Whatever effort is put into a movie trailer, how much more effort should go into the planning and execution of our weekly church services?
Based upon my conversations with hundreds of fellow Sunday church attenders, the following are 30 Things People Want From Their Church Services.  Maybe your church already does much of this list.  If so, I know your people are eternally grateful.  If not, what is one thing you can implement this week to have more engaging and memorable services.
  1. I want to leave a church service with a sense of awe which only comes from not knowing what God will do next.
  2. I want to remember key details of the message the following Thursday.
  3. I want the experience something supernatural.
  4. I want my emotions moved.
  5. I want to experience joy.
  6. I want to be moved to tears.
  7. I want to be inspired.
  8. I want to be surprised.  No more plug and play services.
  9. I want to be challenged.
  10. I want to be motivated.
  11. I want to walk away with a sense of hope.
  12. I want to feel energy from those on the platform.
  13. I want to walk away with something applicable, a key point.
  14. I want to meet some nice people.
  15. I want content that engages my mind and makes me think.
  16. I want to give my church my time and money.  I really do.
  17. I want a sense of community.
  18. I want a musical experience that is engaging, powerful and Christ-centered.
  19. I want to emulate the lives of those on the platform.
  20. I want opportunities presented in the service to serve after the service.
  21. I want to be convicted, to repent.
  22. I want to laugh until my sides hurt.
  23. I want to celebrate what God is doing in my life and the lives of others.
  24. I want excellence.
  25. I want to open my Bible.
  26. I want to see people of different ethnicities and ages.
  27. I want you to know my time is important.  Don’t waste it.
  28. I want to feel like I am part of a movement.
  29. I want to be changed.  I want to walk out different than I walked in.
  30. I want more than I get from a movie trailer.
I think you do also.
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