Sunday, March 13, 2016

Unmasked: The Real Life Of A Pastor’s Wife

In an effort to add value to pastors and church leaders, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend an event called Duck Tape Workshop.  This event is designed to help growing churches deliver ministry excellence without the extravagance.
As a special gift to pastors reading these posts, INJOY Stewardship is offering a free report called The Giving Growth Opportunity.  This amazing tool tells you how much your church’s income would be if everyone in your church gave.  Click Here Or On The Image Above to Download this Free Resource! 
The afternoon’s first breakout session was entitled Unmasked: The Real Life Of A Pastor’s Wife conducted by Frankie Powers.  Frankie is the wife of Byron Powers, senior pastor of Elmwood Church of God in Columbia, SC.
The following are 47 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From  Frankie Powers’s amazing session from the Duck Tape Workshop:
  1. My husband, I married him because he was a youth pastor.
  2. My husband said, “I want to be there for people.” How do you fight that?
  3. My first pastor’s wife, Alice, pulled me aside and said, “They are not your friend. They were together before you arrived and they’ll be together after you’re gone.” She was speaking to me out of a wound but that was a terrible thing to say to a young pastor’s wife.
  4. I’ve made dozens of friends in my life.
  5. Your job is the only job where there is no pay, no job description, no seminary class, no manual but all eyes are upon you.
  6. Your husband is under constant scrutiny from your friends.
  7. I wish Alice told me I could just be real. I can be me.
  8. Each one of us has been given different gifts and you don’t have to be somebody else.
  9. You don’t have to be perfect.
  10. If you’re real, living in a glass house is a lot less scary, a lot less intimidating.
  11. People love you even though you’re real.
  12. God created you for a unique purpose.
  13. “I don’t know all the keys to success but I know one key to failure. That is trying to please everyone.” – Rick Warren
  14. I am just as called as my husband. Some pastors’ wives don’t feel like they are called.
  15. God when He calls a man He calls a whole man. He calls the one who is one flesh with that man.
  16. God put you together. He knows your gifts and He knows your husband’s gifts He meshed you together in a beautiful way.
  17. Your ministry with your husband is only as strong as your marriage. We need to work at our marriage.
  18. Have fun with your marriage.
  19. Take time to get away with your husband.
  20. Protect your children and give them a love for ministry.
  21. Negative church stuff, we all know it’s real, but don’t talk about it front of your children.
  22. Give them a love for church but more important give them a love for Jesus.
  23. You will get lonely. Everybody does.
  24. You may say, “I get lonely because I’m a pastor’s wife.” Ladies, there are millions of lonely women everywhere.
  25. There are special ladies in the church you can be friends with.
  26. You can have a friend in the church but she may not be a confidant. She may not be in the church.
  27. Have a safe friendship and don’t close yourself off.
  28. Don’t be easily offended.
  29. Offended people are very self-focused people.
  30. Offended people tend to build walls because they’re safe. We become selective who gets to enter our world.
  31. Consider your source.
  32. A lot of people I deal with are hurting people and they hurt people.
  33. You need a mentor.
  34. You’re all older than somebody. You can all mentor somebody and also get a mentor.
  35. “Choose wisely your counselors and friends. In battle, you need warriors not worriers.” – Christian Caine
  36. Your schedule will never be normal again.
  37. Love God first.
  38. Either have total tunnel vision for Jesus Christ or don’t do it.
  39. Loving your neighbor or loving the church came after loving Jesus first. We’re not going love people if we don’t love Jesus first.
  40. Love God first. Then your family. Then comes the church.
  41. People are going us. I’m going to disappoint somebody because we’re just people. There is One Who sticks closer than a brother.
  42. Without loving God we can’t love somebody who walked away from our church.
  43. I have to open the Word for Frankie.
  44. My husband and I agreed to take time away and not mention the church at all. As a couple you need that.
  45. If the enemy can create a conflict between you and your husband, he can create a problem in the whole church.
  46. Being a pastor’s wife is a high calling and can be filled with great joy.
  47. The joys outweigh the pressures any day.
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