Monday, March 21, 2016

5 Reasons You Aren't Seeing a Social Media ROI...Yet

5 Reasons You Aren't Seeing a Social Media ROI...Yet
59% of small business owners say they don't see a return on the investment they pour into social.
This is a travesty. A scourge on small businesses everywhere. This means when 59% of business owners think about social media, they are disappointed by the results.
This might even be you. You get bummed out when it comes to social. You feel like you're wasting time, money, energy, and effort. You pour into social. You get a small return. Maybe nothing at all. Certainly not what you were expecting.
The obvious question: Why is this? Why does this seem to be a pervasive problem for business owners?
I tackle this question in today's post (appears courtesy of LinkedIn). Click below to get the goods!
Interesting Image

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