Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Mess Found Below And Behind The Church Stage

Have you ever looked under the stage or behind the curtain at a church service?  It is a mess.
  • Hundreds of yards of wires.
  • Spare parts.
  • Cases to house instruments.
  • Countless water bottles.
  • Extra lighting.
  • Tools and supplies.
  • Ladders.
  • Trash.
  • Etc., etc., etc…..
But when you watch a well-done weekend service you do not think about all the mess below or behind the surface, you only think about the excellence being displayed by the Godly people on stage.  It is just like that for all leaders.
As a person who is often on stage and the parent of a worship leader, I am often reminded of the importance what you cannot see in a leader’s life.  Let me explain.
None of us are perfect.  Though we may look great publicly, even the best of us have messes in our lives we cover up below a figurative stage or hide behind a figurative curtain.
As I approach 50, I have become acutely aware of the importance of making sure what is under my personal stage and behind my personal curtain is cleaned up, well-organized and handled well.  I want what is unseen to have just as much excellence as what is seen.
At this stage of my life, I am working significantly harder on character than I am on competence.  I have come to learn that it is character, not competence, which will allow me to finish my journey well.
On stage, I try to be as transparent as possible and deeply connect with an audience but what you see is not 100% me.  Often, I teach someone else’s material, have a script to follow, or I’m trying to get people to attend an event I personally have no intension of showing up for.  That is not the real me.
But like you, the real me often needs rewiring just like those wires under the stage.  The real me has a lot of unorganized pieces just like you would find behind the stage curtain.  The real me even has some trash that from time-to-time needs to be picked up and thrown away.  On really bad days, the real me can even blow a fuse or have a power failure.
This is why what is below the stage and behind the curtain needs my constant attention.  I can never get complacent about the unseen in my life.  None of us can.
For some of you this post is a critical reminder.  You have neglected what is unseen in your life.  It is time to pay it attention again before it is too late.
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