Sunday, March 13, 2016

5 Leadership Quotes From Brad Lomenick’s Book H3 Leadership

One of the best Christian leadership books I have read in a long time is Brad Lomenick’s very transparent account of his post-Catalsyt journey H3 Leadership.  For those of you who may not be familiar with Brad, he led Catalyst, America’s most influential movement of Next Generation Christian leaders, for over a decade.
Brad sensed God asking him to step away from his highly visible position and take a sabbatical.  The position and its responsibilities had consumed him.  H3 Leadership is the account of what God showed him the following year.  It is a must-read book for all Christian leaders.
The following are 25 Leadership Quotes From Brad Lomenick’s amazing book H3 Leadership:
  1. “Leadership matters.  Your leadership matters.  A good leader changes the course of organizations, entire industries, states, countries, and even the global landscape.” – Mark Burnett
  2. “There comes a moment in the life of every leader when he or she stands at a crossroads and must ask, “What’s next?”
  3. That’s why job loss obliterates so many leaders.  The financial deficit stings, but the identity loss decimates them.
  4. A leader’s job is to shepherd, not necessarily to always shine.  It’s about the mission, the team, and the the tribe, not about you and your ego.  Leaders today should be more conductors than solo artists.
  5. The best leaders are people of integrity and principle who know the difference between principles and preferences.
  6. One of the illnesses that often afflicts leaders in myopia.  We begin to think that the story we are living is THE story.
  7. There is a marked difference between a calling and an assignment, and failing to recognize it is a one-way ticket to the frustration station.
  8. One of my rules for leadership is “Beware of your greatest strength.”  Why?  Because often an influencer’s unguarded greatest strength is also his or her greatest weakness – and therefore turns into his or her greatest temptation.  Your best can bring you down.
  9. Every leader must force himself or herself to keep learning regardless of his or her stage of life or career.
  10. We feed of passionate and contagious leaders.
  11. The key to innovation is intentionality.  Innovation takes work.  Lots of work.  HARD work.  Energy and preparation are critical.
  12. A leader is a change agent.  He or she changes the order of things and pushes for change.  Leadership is not about title or position or a corner office or a big budget.  Or power.  Leaders imagine a different future and change the order of things, regardless of title or position.
  13. Many leaders don’t inspire their people because they don’t have anything inspirational to say.
  14. The best leaders learn to think clearly and quickly and determine which risks are worth taking.
  15. Greatness is not a destination.  It’s a journey.  You arrive at greatness.  The goal is to set a standard that scares you to death and then continue trying to raise that standard.
  16. Many leaders who quit the work they are doing after experiencing failure, growing bored, or getting discouraged my have been only moments from breaking through and finding success.
  17. One of the most valuable traits of any employee is his or her ability to execute and get things done.
  18. When you prioritize your team, your team will prioritize you.
  19. A habit or partnership means that as a leader you are willing to come to the end of your organizational self and see a bigger vision and picture beyond just what you’re working on.  Be willing to sacrifice for someone else’s benefit.
  20. Stopping to slow down allowed me to get my smile back.
  21. Making room for fresh leaders is not a statement on one’s competency but a necessary part of keeping an organization’s edges sharp.
  22. Generosity is more than how one spends money; it’s a holistic posture that should animate everything a leader does.
  23. The best way to shore up your legacy is to effectively hand it off to your successors.
  24. One of the most difficult lessons for leaders to learn is how to let go.
  25. The legacy of your influence relies significantly, though not completely, on how well the organization thrives AFTER you leave.
As you can see H3 Leadership is an amazing book.  Make sure you order your copy by clicking HERE.
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